Discriminative stimuli have control over a particular behavior because the behavior is reliably reinforced through positive or negative reinforcement and punishment when the stimuli present and not when they are absent.区辨性刺激对特定行为具有控制力,因为这种行为可靠地通过正面或负面的强化和...
Discriminative stimuli have control over a particular behavior because the behavior is reliably reinforced throughpositive or negative reinforcement and punishmentwhen the stimuli present and not when they are absent. 区辨性刺激对特定行为具有控制力,因为这种行为可靠地通过正面或负面的强化和惩罚来加强,当刺激...
What are the two types of antecedents? positive (obtaining desired stimuli) or negative (escape/avoid undesired stimuli) reinforcement. (also known as “discriminative stimuli”) are different types of antecedents to behavior/consequent contingencies. precedes a given behavior. Antecedent Interventions wit...
Punishment#·*· 惩罚/惩罚 惩罚(作用) 意指在某行为出现之后立即产生一个刺激改变,此刺激改变会减少该类行为未来在类似情境中的出现频率。 见负惩罚(Negative punishment)、正惩罚(positive punishment) 行为之后的结果,它导致这一行为在未来出现的可能性降低的过程。 Pure-stimulus act 纯刺激性动作 Purpose 目的 ...
Terminology: Positive and Negative Punishment 17個詞語 kittycatlofi 預覽 bio anth midterm 2 102個詞語 isbu6634 預覽 Overview of Invertebrate Animal Diversity 53個詞語 sarrrah_diaz 預覽 MouseGenetics2SE Gizmos Worksheet 32個詞語 sarahwong1715 預覽 Psych Chap. 6 20個詞語 KelindaGary 預覽 Invertebrat...
The discussion about the use of aversives should be viewed in historical perspective. In the UK, the ‘cane’ was used to inflict corporal punishment in mainstream schools for all children, until it was finally outlawed in 1987! In private schools corporal punishment was not banned until as re...
Why make us learn both the verb and noun form when they're so closely related? Isn't that just cruel and unusual punishment? Anyway, those are some of the highlights (or lowlights) that come to mind when I think back on Unit 9's vocabulary. Lots of challenging words about changes ...
To illustrate the significance of justice,the essay could provide examples of its absence and the negative consequences that result.Injustice can lead to social unrest,economic disparities,and a breakdown of societal cohesion.It is crucial for the stability and prosperity of a community that justice ...
杨某,男,16岁。近2年来经常头痛,伴有恶心、呕吐,血压200/150mmHg。近1周突然出现视物不清,腹部CT检查发现左肾上腺区有一肿块,并向内侧生长,与大血管相粘连,查血提示儿茶酚氨增高。该病人最可能的疾病诊断是 ( )
In the first part of your writing, you should give your main argument, and in the second part you should support your main argument with appropriate details or examples. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary or suggestion.Supply a ...