在美国银行家协会官网可以查询美国的银行的ABA码,具体是这个网址ABA Routing Number Lookup,下拉选“I Agree”同意协议,然后点Continue的按钮, 就跳转出来查询页面了,如下: 输入ABA码,或者银行名称等信息,进行人机身份验证这里打勾,再点下面的查询按钮“Search”就可以查询了。比如输入ABA码026073150,查出来就是这样的...
To locate your bank routing number, look between the transit symbols, as shown in the "Routing Number" graphic above. The routing number is always 9-digits on a U.S. check. The routing number is also know as the transit number, the ABA number, the RTN. You can look up bank detai...
IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY:You are about to enter an agreement (“Agreement”) with the American Bankers Association (“ABA”, “we” or “us”) for access and use of the ABA’s Routing Number Lookup Service.By accessing and using this Site, you (“User”) agree to the terms and cond...
ABA routing number lookup and validation tool. Contribute to adamdecaf/aba development by creating an account on GitHub.
Fuzzy FedACH and FedWire ABA Routing Number and Bank Name Lookup. - GitHub - moov-io/fed: Fuzzy FedACH and FedWire ABA Routing Number and Bank Name Lookup.
Because bank mergers & acquisitions (M&A) transactions can change your financial institution’s ABA number, you can search for your financial institution’s current ABA number on the American Bankers Association ABA Routing Number Lookup page on their website. You can look at your bank’s website...