产品名称 BJ5088XLCEJEA-AB2型冷藏车 外型尺寸(mm) 5995×2260,2320,2460,2520×2980,3330,3530,3630 整车型号 BJ5088XLCEJEA-AB2 货厢尺寸(mm) 4085,3735×2100,2300×1750,2100,2300,2400 前排乘客 3 额定载客(人) 总质量(kg) 8275 接近/离去角(°) 20/16 额定质量(kg) 4280 前悬/后悬(mm) 11...
【奥铃速运单桥】福田 奥铃速运Pro 163马力 4.17米单排仓栅式轻卡(BJ5088CCYEJEA-AB2)配置参数:发动机,驾驶室,变速箱,轮胎,油箱,底盘车桥等奥铃速运单桥载货车参数信息,尽在卡车之家.
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新疆位于世界冰雪黄金纬度带,拥有得天独厚的冰雪资源。纪录片《冰雪之美 尽在新疆——新疆是个好地方》以最极致的故事和画面,为观众呈现一个前所未见的冰雪新疆。全片分为“自然之美”、“人文之美”、“活力之美”三个篇章,以多角度、差异化、故事性的镜头...
In a joint project, the project cost is allocated to the participants. How to allocate the cost has been discussed mainly in cooperative game theory assuming that the cost is certain. If the project cost is uncertain, each participant is exposed to the risk of allocated cost. Thus the risk...
JAKARTA, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Three critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs have been born in the Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary in Indonesia's North Sumatra province, the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) said on Friday. ...
The invention relates to a photochromic optical article with reduced thermal dependency, comprising: (a) a transparent substrate, (b) a saturated photochromic layer having, in the activated state and at a temperature of 20°C, a relative transmission factor of less than 1% in the visible range...