Also, when results for wet and dry soils were compared, variability was lower when the AB‐DTPA extraction method was used. We concluded that, besides being faster, the AB‐DTPA method is valid for Spanish soils, even for calcium (Ca) extraction in calcareous soils, where the ammonium ...
Zn and Cd in soil with A B . DT PA was appropr i ate for the parallel c omparation of remediation effec t in simulation exper i men ts.A B — D T PA extraction method can be applied to the remediation simulation exper i ments of h eav y metal c ontaminated soil . K ey ...
Abstract On the basis of ABDTPA soil extraction method,a new method for the determination of the effective components of soil nutrients was proposed.The available state of P,K,Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn in soil was extracted by 0.2 mol/L acetic acid (HOAc)0.5 mol/L ammonium acetate (NH4OAC)0.005 mol...
niumbicarbonateDTPAextractionandtheinductivelycoupledplasmaatomicemissionspectrometry畅Theanalysisresultswerealso comparedwiththemethodofCaCl 2 DTPA畅TheresultsshowedthattheavailablecontentofCu,Zn,Mg,Ni,S,Cr,Mo,Asbythemethod ofABDTPAwasgreaterthanthatofthemethodofCaCl ...
Soil samples from Shanghai region were selected to determine the available content of eight elements by combining the ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA extraction and the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The analysis results were also compared with the method of CaCl2-DTPA. The results ...
e. the ratio of soil to liquid (m/V), the influence of oscillation time and frequency during extraction, an analytical method for the accurate determination of available selenium and arsenic in soil in this region was established using atomic fluorescence spectrome...
Hepatic extraction fraction (HEF), input relative blood flow and mean transit time were calculated on a voxel-by-voxel basis using deconvolutional analysis. Segmental and total liver volumes as well as segmental and total hepatic extraction capacity, expressed in HEFmI, were calculated. An ...