Medical Term 医学术语 Do EMTs need to know medical terminology? 紧急医疗救护技术员(EMT)需要掌握医学术语吗? Yes. If we want to be treated as medical professionals, we need to speak the language of medicine -- but it's like learning ...
Joanna: In addition, a single pinyin word can often have more than one meaning. Liu:You are right.Shenis an example that can mean either “kidney” or “spirit”. Actually, most medical terms in TCM come from several language sources but they can be translated into everyday English words...
30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is ___. A. mal- B. dys- C. polio- D. Both A and B 31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of ___. A. top/o B. ten/o C.thym/o D. sarc/o 32. The combining vowel for angitis is ___. A. a B. o C. e D.i 33...
专业英语IV(人体解剖生理学)CourseObjectives 1.ToservethebilingualteachingneedsinanundergraduatecourseofHumanAnatomyandPhysiology(HumanA&P).2.ToacquirethevocabularyandexpressionsforHumanA&P.3.Torecognizewordroots,prefixes,andsuffixescommonlyusedinmedicalterminology.4.Toenableyoutouseanatomicalandphysiologicalterminology...