We conducted a GHG inventory for the San Diego region from 1990 to 2006, with forecasts to 2020. The region emitted approximately 34 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT COE) in 2006 from anthropogenic sources, which represents a 17% increase over the 1990 level of 29 MMT ...
42a8a9d83687fd04#BT9AmJyFikSjgLgYHqroKpGfXCv4E2VEgqT1eGHGfieg Frebbventure [Gnarly Repacks] [409 MB] https://bin.0xfc.de/?f8f103707e7b3000#y1k3YgdyChAHad8VbUVYACk6KhHGgmpX1KxiGme9e4H Days of War – Definitive Edition (Bots/LAN) (b5169728) [Gnarly Repacks] [13.6 GB] https:...
GHG4118188R0187 GHG4118100R00024309002 本特利置放大器330180-50-05 330180-91-05 ABB变频器配件 LD LPTR-01 3AFE61412999 6SL3325-1TG41-3AA3 6SL3055-0AA00-4CA5 VW3A3401 氧电池\OXY-12\ULTRAMAT-23 3HES311-0001-03 3HES311-0300-01 PXI-8110或者PXI-8119 6ES5728-8MA11 314-1A...
水汽(H2O)、二氧化碳(CO2)、 氧化亚氮(N2O)、甲烷(CH4)和臭氧(O3)是地球大气中主要的 GHG。此外,大气中还有许多完 全由人为因素产生的 GHG,如《蒙特利尔协议》所涉及的卤烃和其它含氯和含溴物。除 CO2、 N2O 和 CH4 外,《京都议定书》还将六氟化硫(SF6)、氢氟碳化物...
来源期刊 Universiti Teknologi Petronas 2006 研究点推荐 GHG inventory research assistant systems 站内活动 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。了解更多>>...
The inventory analysis includes the following steps, detailed definition of the system, data collection, allocation and quantification of the environmental burdens. The impact assessment can be carried out using the following steps: i. Classification; ii. Characterization; iii. Normalization; iv. ...
Laura D'Arcy13 Abstract Deforestation and forest degradation in the tropics is a major source of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The tropics also harbour more than half the world's threatened species, raising the possibility that reducing GHG emissions by curtailing tropical deforestation could...
Based on third-party life cycle inventory results, the CHEP USA pallet pooling system produces significantly less solid lumber waste, consumes less total energy, and produces less greenhouse gases than other common pallet options in the industry. The life cycle environmental savings created by members...
nitrous oxide (NO) emissions from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) processes.While CARB is still in the process of developing regulations to meet the state's 2020 emissions goal, POTWs can take a proactive approach to meeting future GHG emissions regulations by first conducting a GHG inventory....
24、森林清查forest inventory :测量森林面积、数量和分布状况的调查系统,通常采用连续抽样调查进行。 25、立木材积standing volume :活立木或枯立木的带皮体积,是指自树干根基部到树梢、并大于一定胸径范围的主干带皮体积(材积),我国活立木材积测定最小起测胸径为 5.0cm。