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occurs (for example by increasing the concentration of nano-fillers and letting them form a continuous network inside PNCs), the material is conductive and the conductivity is dependent on factors such as the concentration of the CNTs[136], their distribution and status inside the PNCs[137,138]...
Reaching the full potential of X-ray nanotomography, in particular for biological samples, is limited by many factors, of which one of the most serious is radiation damage. Although sample deformation caused by radiation damage can be partly mitigat
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The phase-transition temperatures of hexahalometallate material K2PtBr6 (K2SeBr6) have been studied experimentally and found to be 209 K, 221 K and 249 K1 (78 K, 105 K, 137 K, 143 K and 169 K1). K2XBr6(X = Pt, Se) hexahalometallate materials show a suitable energy gap, ...
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These results indicate that the two ABRE motifs locating between −532 and −137 (positions −403 to −398 and −336 to −332) upstream from the ATG of NYE1 are crucial for ABA-induced NYE1 expression. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was used to determine whether ...