点击Faucet,粘贴你的MetaMask钱包地址,然后等待确认。 获得确认后,我们将把DAI代币添加到MetaMask中。为此,打开你的MetaMask。点击底部的Add Token。在代币合约地址(Token Contract Address)栏输入0xF795577d9AC8bD7D90Ee22b6C1703490b6512FD。这是Kovan的DAI的合约地址。点击下一步后,它应该显示你先前从水龙头(Fauce...
Funding The Flash Loan We will need some Polygon Mumbai Testnet USDC in our smart contract to pay our Flash loan's interest fee. Go to Aave's faucet, select Polygon Market, connect MetaMask, and get the USDC by clicking Faucet near USDC. Then send some USDC (1 in this case) to ...
Service(provider, faucetAddress); /* - @param `userAddress` The ethereum address of the wallet the minted tokens will go - @param `reserve` The ethereum address of the token you want to mint - @param `tokenSymbol` The symbol of the token you want to mint */ const tx = faucet....
635 | | Faucet | 2,064 | 2,596 | 22,512 | 46,556 | | FlashLoanLogic | 9,520 | 9,573 | 15,056 | 39,579 | | FlashloanAttacker | 2,123 | 2,547 | 22,453 | 46,605 | | GPv2SafeERC20 | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49,058 | | GenericLogic | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49...
635 | | Faucet | 2,064 | 2,596 | 22,512 | 46,556 | | FlashLoanLogic | 9,520 | 9,573 | 15,056 | 39,579 | | FlashloanAttacker | 2,123 | 2,547 | 22,453 | 46,605 | | GPv2SafeERC20 | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49,058 | | GenericLogic | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49...
Faucet | 2,064 | 2,596 | 22,512 | 46,556 | |---+---+---+---+---| | FlashLoanLogic | 9,555 | 9,608 | 15,021 | 39,544 | |---+---
[PASS] test_reverts_updateFlashloanPremiumToProtocol() (gas: 30267) [PASS] test_reverts_updateFlashloanPremiumTotal() (gas: 30287) [PASS] test_setBorrowableInIsolation_false() (gas: 62901) [PASS] test_setBorrowableInIsolation_true() (gas: 65718) [PASS] test_setCollateralConfig((uint8,...
635 | | Faucet | 2,064 | 2,596 | 22,512 | 46,556 | | FlashLoanLogic | 9,520 | 9,573 | 15,056 | 39,579 | | FlashloanAttacker | 2,123 | 2,547 | 22,453 | 46,605 | | GPv2SafeERC20 | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49,058 | | GenericLogic | 44 | 94 | 24,532 | 49...
Service(provider, faucetAddress); /* - @param `userAddress` The ethereum address of the wallet the minted tokens will go - @param `reserve` The ethereum address of the token you want to mint - @param `tokenSymbol` The symbol of the token you want to mint */ const tx = faucet....