S0346-9 AAV2/9-U6-shRNA(Luciferase)-CAG-mCherry-pA 价格: ¥500.00~6,000.00 ¥0.00 comment:0 Collection:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 200...
Establishment of U6 promoter-based Nox1 shRNA/AAV vector and identification of the transduction in cells of the peri-infarct regions.DongHee, ChoiJiHye, KimKyoungHee, LeeHahnYoung, KimYoonSeong, KimWahn, Soo ChoiJongmin, Lee
Schematic of an AAV genome carrying a lacZ shRNA expressed from the murine U6 promoter, together with an RSV-alkaline phosphatase cassette used to monitor vector transduction.Jessica WeiJoel R. Chamberlain