S0138-9 AAV2/9-CAG-ArchT-tdTomato 价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 优惠: 200元优惠券,满1500可用 500元优惠券,满1500可用 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ≥1E+13V.G...
泰儿图移动商城 会员中心 搜索S0138-9 AAV2/9-CAG-ArchT-tdTomato收藏 ¥500起 选择 腺相关病毒包装规格 领券 满1500减200 满1500减500 产品详情 产品参数 产品评论 首页 客服 购物车 加入购物车 立即预定
roduct Category: Pre-made recombinant AAV; AAV-CAG-tdTOMATO; AAV1-CAG-tdTOMATO; AAV-CBA-tdTOMATO; AAV1-CBA-tdTOMATO Description: AAV1-CAG-tdTOMATO is a pre-packaged rAAV vector in serotype 1(capsid from serotype 1 and 2xITR from serotype 2) which expresses tdTOMATO under the control...
S0330-9 AAV2/9-hSyn-FLEX-m_tdTomato-WPRE-pA 价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 优惠: 200元优惠券,满1500可用 500元优惠券,满1500可用 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ...
在Chrimson(CnChR1)基础上做了看K176R的点突变,加快了通道关闭的速度,使得至少能够有效响应20Hz及以下的光信号。当与Chronos一起使用,可以实现用两种荧光控制两种不同的神经元。 tdTomato,橙色荧光蛋白,激发波长554nm,发射波长581nm。 hSyn启动子,也称为hSyn1启动子,从人突触素蛋白1(Synapsin1)的启动子区克隆...
Product Category:Pre-made recombinant AAV;AAV-CAG-ChIEF-tdTOMATO;AAV2-CAG-ChIEF-tdTOMATO Description:AAV2-ChIEF-tdTOMATO the serotype 2 rAAV which expresses a hybrid of Channelrhodopsin-1/2 under CAG promoter fusion with reporter tdTOMATO. ...
Here, we document two reporter human iPSC lines generated by gene-editing technologies that precisely integrated one-copy of a tdTomato transgene driven by strong CAG promoter into the AAVS1 human safe harbor locus.doi:10.1016/j.scr.2019.101673Kira Patterson...
268. Optogenetic Engineering of Retinal Ganglion Cells with AAV2.7m8-ChrimsonR-tdTomato (GS030-DP) Is Well Tolerated and Induces Functional Responses to Light in Non-Human Primatesdoi:10.1016/S1525-0016(16)33077-5Anne M. DouarCeline Bouquet...
Generation of two tdTomato reporter induced pluripotent stem cell lines (NHLBIi003-A-1 and NHLBIi003-A-2) by AAVS1 safe harbor gene-editing.doi:10.1016/j.scr.2019.101673Kira PattersonKaari L. LinaskJeanette BeersJizhong ZouElsevier
S1244-9 AAV2/9-hSyn-MasterRNAi155(NC)-tdtomato-WPRE-pA 价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 优惠: 200元优惠券,满1500可用 500元优惠券,满1500可用 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标A...