Name:AAV-EF1a-DIO-mCherry This AAV expresses DIO-mCherry driven by an ubiquitous EF1a promoter. The 1.2 Kb EF1α promoter is a commonly used, constitutive promoter derived from human elongation factor-1 alpha (EF1α). It is often used in conditions where the other constitutive promoters, su...
AAV-CamKII-DIO-mCherry-WPRE This AAV expresses DIO-mCherry driven by a neuron CamKII promoter.This 1.3 Kb promoter is derived from the murine α-Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII), a gene with expression restricted to excitatory neurons in the neocortex and hippocampus. In cortica...
mCherry,红色荧光蛋白,激发波长587nm,发射波长610nm; hSyn启动子,也称为hSyn1启动子,从人突触素蛋白1(Synapsin1)的启动子区克隆得到,长度为0.5kb左右,神经元特异表达。 DIO,或者称DiO (Double-floxed inverse Orientation),是和Cre配合控制目的基因表达的元件,一般由两对互不相容的Lox序列组成,特征序列是Lox2722r...
Product Category:Pre-made recombinant AAV; AAV-hSynapsin-DIO-mCherry; AAV-Synapsin-DIO-mCherry; AAV8-hSyn-DIO-mCherry Description: AAV8-hSyn-DIO-mCherryis a pre-made rAAV in serotype 8 which will Cre dependently over-express mCherry driven under human synapsin promoter as illustrated as the...
S0240-8 AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-mCherry-pA 价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 优惠: 200元优惠券,满1500可用 500元优惠券,满1500可用 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ≥1E+13V...
S0240-2 AAV2/2-hSyn-DIO-mCherry-pA 价格: ¥750.00~6000.00 评论:0条 收藏:1 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 购买数量: 加入购物车 立即预定 ...
DIO,或者称DiO (Double-floxed inverse Orientation),是和Cre配合控制目的基因表达的元件,一般由两对互不相容的Lox序列组成,特征序列是Lox2722r-间隔1-LoxP-GOIr-Lox2722-间隔2-LoxPr。当有Cre存在时,任一对Lox序列都有可能发生重组,因为每对Lox都是相反方向的,所以重组会导致他们之间的序列发生颠倒,例如Lox2722...
S1150-9 AAV2/9-CAG-DIO-mWGA-mCherry-WPRE-pA 价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 优惠: 200元优惠券,满1500可用 500元优惠券,满1500可用 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL...
价格: ¥500.00~6000.00 评论:0条 收藏:0 腺相关病毒包装规格: 金标AAV 5ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 20ul ≥1E+13V.G./ml 金标AAV 50ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 100ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL 金标AAV 200ul ≥1E+13V.G./mL
泰儿图移动商城 会员中心 搜索S0170-4 AAV2/4-hEF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-mCherry-WPRE-pA收藏 ¥750起 选择 腺相关病毒包装规格 领券 满1500减200 满1500减500 产品详情 产品参数 产品评论 首页 客服 购物车 加入购物车 立即预定