待分类 > 待分类 > AATCC TM 22-2001防水性:淋水测试法 打印 转格式 390阅读文档大小:292.49K4页judy0715上传于2010-12-17格式:PDF
纺织品拒水性测试 AATCC TM22-2014 广分检测中心能够对棉布、麻布、丝绸、毛料,功能性纺织面料等样品进行检测和分析。 检测范围: 棉布、麻布、丝绸、毛料、羊毛衫、毛线、绒布、运动服装、童装、婴儿服装、男式西装、女士礼服、高尔夫球衣、工作服等。 滴水法:将一定量的水滴在待测样品表面,观察水珠在多长时间内能够...
本机主要评定织物表面的防水性能,将试样安装在环形夹持器上,保持夹持器与水平成45度角,试样中心位置距离喷嘴下方150 mm。用250 ml的蒸馏水或去离子水从喷头喷淋试样。喷淋后,通过试样外观与沾水现象描述及图片的比较,确定织物的沾水等级,并以此评价织物的防水性能。 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体...
AATCC TM 22-2005
国际标准分类中,aatcctm22-2017e涉及到。 在中国标准分类中,aatcctm22-2017e涉及到。 德国标准化学会,关于aatcctm22-2017e的标准 DIN 38414-22 E:2017德国水、废水和污泥检验标准方法 污泥和沉积物(S 组) 第22部分:通过冷冻测定干残渣和制备冻干污泥量 (S 22) 草案 ...
AATCC 30 耐真菌活性,纺织品材料的评定:纺织品材料耐霉菌防腐烂 Developed in 1946 by AATCC Commit-tee RA31; revised 1952, 1957, 1971, 1981, 1987, 1988 (with title change), 1993, 1999; reaffirmed 1970, 1974, 1979, 1989, 1998; editorially revised and reaffirmed 1986, 2004.1. General ...
AATCC Technical Manual/2011 TM 22-2010 67Developed in 1941 by AATCC CommitteeRA63; revised 1952, 1996, 2001, 2005;reaffirmed 1943, 1961, 1964, 1967,1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1989,2010; editorially revised 1987, 2008.Technically equivalent to ISO 4920.1. Purpose and Scope1.1This test ...
AATCC 22-2005 纺织品 拒水性测试 喷淋法 下载积分: 100 内容提示: AATCC Technical Manual/2006 TM 22-2005 65Developed in 1941 by AATCC Commit-tee RA63; revised 1952, 1996, 2001,2005; reaffirmed 1943, 1961, 1964,1967, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1985,1989; editorially revised 1987. Techni-...
The AATCC TM22-2014 spray test (similarly BS EN ISO 4920:2012) is widely used to determine the water repellency of textiles. Given the ongoing move towards non-fluorinated chemistries to provide water repellent finishes on textiles, modifications to the spray test are suggested to discriminate ...
) diameter hoop so that the face of the fabric specimen will be exposed to the water spray. The surface of the specimen should be smooth and without wrinkles.AATCC Test Method 22-2005 Water Repellency: Spray Test Fig. 1—Spray test rating chart.AATCC Technical Manual/2006TM 22-200565 ...