296TM163-2013AATCCTechnicalManual/2014 Developedin1985byCommitteeRR92; editoriallyrevisedandreaffirmed1986, 1992,1997,2002,2012;reaffirmed 1987,2007;editoriallyrevised1995, 2001,2008,2010,2011;revised2013. 1.PurposeandScope 1.1Thestorageofgarmentsmadewith ...
Rate each of the fiber typesin the multifiber fabric and the swatch onthe opposite side of the sandwich sepa-rately, by comparison with the GrayScale for Staining (AATCC EvaluationProcedure 2), the AATCC 9-Step Chro-matic Transference Scale (AATCC Eval-296 TM 163-2013Copyright © 2013 ...
Test Specimens Scale for Staining (AATCC Evaluation any environment that might be encoun- Procedure 2), the AATCC 9-Step Chro- tered during the processing, testing, stor- 6.1 Prepare 5.7 × 5.7 cm (2.25 × 2.25 matic Transference Scale (AATCC Eval- 296 TM 163-2013 AATCC Technical Manual/...
内容提示: 312 AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures/20211. Purpose and Scope1.1 The storage of garments made withcomponent parts of more than one shadesometimes results in the transfer of dyefrom one area to another, normally fromthe darker to the ...
AATCC1632012耐光照色牢度氙灯.pdf,AATCC Test Method 16.3-2012 Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc Developed in 1964 by AATCC Commit- Notes 44 imen may attain during exposure to artifi- tee RA50; revised 1971, 1974, 1978, Appendix A cial light. Any deviation
TM 133-2013239 Developed in 1969 by AATCC Commit-tee RR54; revised 1973 (supersedes AATCC 5-1962), 2013; reaffirmed 1976,1979, 1984, 1989; editorially revised 1981, 1985, 1986, 1991, 2001, 2002,2008; editorially revised and reaffirmed 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009; editorially re-vised 2010. ...
标准名称:AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e4 适用范围: 本标准适用于评估纺织品在存储过程中染料转移现象。当服装由多种颜色的部件组成时,可能会发生染料从深色区域转移到浅色区域的现象。这种现象发生在非升华性染料和低于染料升华温度的环境下。 该测试方法用于估计长时间存储期间可能发生的颜色转移问题。如果在规定的条件下...
标准名称:AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e2 适用范围:此测试方法用于评估纺织品在长期储存过程中颜色转移的可能性。具体而言,当服装由不同色调的组件部分组成时,在折叠状态下,由于湿度的影响,可能会导致颜色从深色区域转移到浅色区域,从而产生染料迁移现象。该方法有助于评估在储存前和储存期间可能出现的颜色变化及其对成品质...
标准号:AATCCTM163-2013e 检测标准/方法:色牢度:储存中染料转移 织物到织物 检测对象:纺织品及其制品 检测项目/参数:染料迁移色牢度 相关标准 《HS/T29—2010》碳纤维中碳含量的测定 高频红外碳硫分析仪法 《GB/T10685-2007》羊毛纤维直径试验方法投影显微镜法 ...
标准号:AATCC 163-2013(E2019) 检测标准/方法:染料转移色牢度 AATCC 163-2013(E2019) 检测对象:纺织品 检测项目/参数:染料转移色牢度 相关标准 《GB/T 22756-2017》皮凉鞋 GB/T 22756-2017 《GB/T 26713-2011》鞋类 化学试验方法 富马酸二甲酯(DMF)的测定 GB/T 26713-2011 ...