文件aatcc测试方法2010.pdf,AATCC Test Method 135-2010 Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering Developed in 1970 by AATCC Commit- must also be consulted and followed. body-width machines are to be used as tee RA42; reaffirmed 1973, 2000; re- 4
AATCC Test Method 76-2005 Electrical Surface Resistivity of Fabrics 相关标准的完整文件.pdf,AATCC Test Method 76-2005 Electrical Surface Resistivity of Fabrics Developed in 1954 by AATCC Commit- 4.3 The radioactive bar emits alpha ra- the fabric. tee RA32
《AATCC Test Method 16-2016 Colorfastness to Light》.pdf,AATCC Test Method 16-2004 Colorfastness to Light Developed in 1964 by AATCC Commit- Precision and Bias 29-30 tion of the maximum temperature a spec- tee RA50; revised 1971, 1974, 1978, References 3
aatcc test method 136-2003.pdf 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 251.14K 文档页数: 2页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--大学论文 文档标签: aatcctestmethod136-200346pdf 系统标签: economizerexhaustaalborggilledmizertest ...
1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is designed to measure the resistance to water of dyed,printed, or otherwise colored textile yarns and fabrics.1.2 Distilled water or deionized water is used in this test method because natural (tap) water is variable in composition.2. Principle 2...
AATCC 118-2007 防油测试-抗碳氢化合物测试.pdf,AATCC Test Method 118-2007 Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test Developed in 1966 by AATCC Committee heat, sparks and open flame. Use with ad- 6.4 Laboratory gloves (general purpose RA56; reaffirmed 197
AATCCTestMethod124-2006 AppearanceofFabricsafterRepeatedHomeLaundering Developedin1967byAATCCCommit-eeRA61;revised1969(1975)1982, 1989(withtitlechange)(1992)1996(005)2006;editoriallyrevised1974(983)1985(1988)1991(1997)2004;reaffirmed1973;editoriallyrevisedandeaffirmed1978(1984)2001.Techni-callyequivalenttoISO...
AATCC Test Method 151-2003Soil Redeposition: Launder-Ometer MethodDeveloped in 1977 in AATCC CommitteeWear safety glasses in all laboratory Cotton swatches, bleached sheet-RA56; reaffirmed 1980, 2003; cut into at least 50 x 50 mm (2 x 2 in.)l-(see ).ly revised and reaffirmed 1985, 199...
10.1 Precision Precision of this test method is based on interlaboratory tests conducted in 1994,using six laboratories,three fabrics, two operators per labora-tory and three determinations per fabric. Separate tests were run on two days.The data sets from each lab were combined for analysis,which...
内容提示: AA TCC TM81-2022 Test Method for pH of the Water-Extract from Wet Processed Textiles 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method determines the pH of wet processed textiles. 1.2 To make a quantitative determination, the chemicals which inf l uence pH must be removed from ...