AATCCTechnicalManual/2007TM130-2000213 Developedin1969byAATCCCommit- teeRA56;reaffirmed1970,1974,1977; editoriallyrevised1978,1983,1986, 1997,2004,2005;revised1981,1990, 1995;editoriallyrevisedandreaffirmed 2000. 1.PurposeandScope 1.1Thistestmethodisdesignedto ...
aatcc130-2010 国外国际标准.pdf,AATCC Test Method 130-2010 Soil Release: Oily Stain Release Method Developed in 1969 by AATCC Commit- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- cm (15.0 × 15.0 ± 0.4 in.) for each deter- tee RA56; reaffirmed 1970, 1974,
AATCC 130 January 1, 2018 Test Method for Soil Release: Oily Stain Release Purpose and Scope This test method is for the evaluation of fabrics to release an oily soil after exposure to home laundering conditions. This test may be performed on garments or other end... ...
AATCC 130-2018 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of this test method are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the...
Colorfastness to Water: Chlorinated Pool Related to ISO 105-E03; Supersedes AATCC Test Method 105-1975 耐水浸色牢度:氯化水池 AATCC 161-1992 Chelating Agents: Disperse Dye Shade Change Caused by Metals; Control of 螯合剂:金属引起的分散染料色度阴暗;控制 AATCC 159-1999 Transfer of Acid and Pre...
AATCC130-2000 Oily Stain:Release Method,AATCC130-2000 Oily Stain:Release Method,AATCC130-2000,Oily,Stain:Release,Method
5 test methods Pressure raising mode Constant-pressure mode Constant pressure & fixed time mode Extending-relaxing mode Water penetration, and leakage mode Pressure Range 0 ~ 200kPa (20 m water column). 0~ 500kPa (50 m water column). 0 ~ 1000kPa (100 m water column...
使用灰色样卡评定试样的变色。如果一个试验周期后观察不到试样变色,可继续进行规定次数或者能使试样产生规定变色所需次数的试验周期。 适用标准 GB/T11040;ISO105-G02;AATCC Test Method 23-2005;BS1006:1990-G02
AATCC Test Method 100-2012. Antibacterial finishes on textile materials: assessment of final report: R2014-295-2, 2014, viewed on November 3, 2015, Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials:Assessment of. AATCC 100-2012 .AATCC Test Method 100-2012. Antibacterial finishes on textile materials:...
1.1 This test method is designed to de-termine the amount of color transferred from the surface of colored textile materi-als to other surfaces by rubbing. It is ap-plicable to textiles made from all fibers in the form of yarn or fabric whether dyed,printed or otherwise colored. It is ...