AATCC EP1-2020 适用范围 该评估程序描述了使用灰度来目视评估色牢度测试产生的整体颜色变化。亮度、色度和色调的各个色差分量可能会被注意到,但不会通过此程序进行量化。要确定灰度标尺是否仍然适合使用,请参阅附录 A。可以评估由于任何色牢度测试而导致的颜色变化。 购买 正式版专题...
`` 6.4 Gray Scale for Color Change ` `` 3.19 total irradiance, n.—radiant , , ` (AATCC EP1) (see 44.5). , power integrated over all wavelengths at` , 2 ` 5. Uses and Limitation , 6.5 Card stock: 163 g/m (90 lb) one ` a point in time expressed in watts per, ` ` -` ...
(AATCC EP1) (see 12.4).5.2.3 Gray Scale for Staining (AATCCEP2) (see 12.4).5.3 Reagents and materials.5.3.1 Multifiber test fabrics (8 mm[0.33 in.] bands) containing acetate, cot-ton, nylon, silk, viscose rayon and wool.Multifiber test fabrics (8 mm [0.33 in.]bands) and (15 mm...
`` 6.4 Gray Scale for Color Change ` `` 3.19 total irradiance, n.—radiant , , ` (AATCC EP1) (see 44.5). , power integrated over all wavelengths at` , 2 ` 5. Uses and Limitation , 6.5 Card stock: 163 g/m (90 lb) one ` a point in time expressed in watts per, ` ` -` ...
Record which scale was used.8.2 If a change in color is noted in anyof the test specimens, rate such changewith AATCC EP1 or AATCC EP7, andrecord the numerical rating that corre-sponds to the appropriate one on the GrayScale.AATCC TM163-2013(2020)eTest Method for Colorfastness to ...
(AATCC EP1) (see 12.4).5.2.3 Gray Scale for Staining (AATCCEP2) (see 12.4).5.3 Reagents and materials.5.3.1 Multifiber test fabrics (8 mm[0.33 in.] bands) containing acetate, cot-ton, nylon, silk, viscose rayon and wool.Multifiber test fabrics (8 mm [0.33 in.]bands) and (15 mm...