Wettability or absorbency of textile fabrics or yarns can be determined by this test method. 2.Principle. A drop of water is allowed to fall from a fixed height onto a taut surface of a test specimen. The time required for the specular reflection of the water drop to disappear is measured...
AATCC 79-2000 纺织品的吸水性测定.pdf,AATCC Test Method 79-2000 Absorbency of Bleached Textiles Developed in 1954 by AATCC Commit- (6 in.) or more diameter. 9. Precision and Bias tee RA34; jurisdiction transferred in 5.2 Burette, delivering 15-25 drops of
内容提示: AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of this test method are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such ...
bedeterminedbythistestmethod. 2.Principle 2.1Adropofwaterisallowedtofall fromafixedheightontothetautsurface ofatestspecimen.Thetimerequiredfor thespecularreflectionofthewaterdrop todisappearismeasuredandrecordedas wettingtime. 3.Terminology 3.1absorbency,n.—thepropensityof ...
Wettability orabsorbency of textile fabrics or yarns canbe determined by this test method.2. Principle2.1 A drop of water is allowed to fallfrom a fixed height onto the taut surfaceof a test specimen. The time required forthe specular reflection of the water dropto disappear is measured and ...
AATCC 79-20002007)纺织品的吸水性测定.pdf,AATCC Test Method 79-2000 Absorbency of Bleached Textiles Developed in 1954 by AATCC Commit- (6 in.) or more diameter. 9. Precision and Bias tee RA34; jurisdiction transferred in 5.2 Burette, delivering 15-25 drop
纺织品吸水性的测试方法, Test method for water absorption of textiles, 提供AATCC TM79-2010e2(2018)e的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PDF)以及下载地址(如果可以下载)。
AATCC Test Method 79 Absorbency of Textiles AATCC Test Method 191 Acid Cellulase Enzymes, Effect of: Top Loading Washer AATCC Test Method 26 Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated AATCC Test Method 98 Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide ...
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