Test item测试名称:Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile Materials 纺织品材料耐霉菌防腐烂 Sample size 送样规格:100g or 2pcs finished products Lead time测试周期:常规 Regular 18 working days Others其他信息: Sample for reference 参考图片: >Sample Report 报告样本: ...
1.1Thetwopurposesofthistest methodaretodeterminethesusceptibil- ityoftextilematerialstomildewandrot andtoevaluatetheefficacyoffungicides ontextilematerials. 2.Principle 2.1TestsI,II,IIIandIVcanbeused, singlyorincombination,dependingon thetypeofexposuretowhichthetextile ...
. A 12. Report to sterilize test materials prior to disposal. sample cutter can also be used. The num- 12.1 The report shall include the fol- 18.2 Incubator. Incubating equipment ber of specimens will vary according to lowing: to maintain a temperature of 28 ± 1°C (82 the number of ...
while Test III is for all others. For all materials intended for outdoor and above ground use, Test IV should be used. The two important considerations when evaluating textile materials in relation to fungal growth are (1) the actual deterioration of the textile product (rot), and (2) ...
shall be maintained be-tween 25 ± 5% (based on dry weight). Ifthe surrounding air is maintained athigher than 83 ± 3% relative humidity,AATCC Test Method 30-2004Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials:Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile MaterialsAATCC Technical Manual/2006TM 30-...
permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale TM 30-2013 99 Observed Growth No growth (if present, report the size of the growth-free zone in mm) Microscopic growth (visible only under the microscope) Macroscopic growth (visible to the eye) Test IV Humidity Jar, Mixed Spore Suspension ...
TestIIisspecificallydesignedforcellu- lose-containingmaterialswhileTestIIIis forallothers.Forallmaterialsintended foroutdoorandabovegrounduse,Test IVshouldbeused.Thetwoimportant considerationswhenevaluatingtextile materialsinrelationtofungalgrowthare (1)theactualdeteriorationofthetextile ...
Test Standard: ISO105-B02/B04/B06 AATCC 16 JIS L0843 ISO 4892-2Features: 1. Using 3300W long arc xenon lamp, truly simulste daylight spectrum; 2. Adopt high transmittance filter combination, using 95% of the transmittance of the filter and the filter cylinder, ...
d. AATCC 150TEST NO.II to V (for Garment Shrinkage用于成衣缩率) i) 3 washes(Report 1st&3rd washes) ii) 5washes(Report 1st&5rd washes) e. GarmentTest成衣试验 i) Washing Temp.up to 70℃/160℉水洗温度:70℃/160℉或以下 ii) WashingTemp. abve 70℃/160℉toboil水洗温度:70℃/...
Aatcc 16 Xenon Weathering Test Chamber, Xenon Weathering Tester, Xenon Light Fastness Tester US$12,000.00-30,000.00 1 Piece (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available After-sales Service: 12 Month Excellent After Service Warranty: 1 Year