404TM 202-2012AATCC Technical Manual/2013Developed in 2012 by AATCC Commit-tee RA891. Purpose and Scope1.1 This method is for the determina-tion of an instrumental relative handvalue (RHV) using the mechanical prop-erties measured on a selected referencefabric and a comparable candidate fabric....
最新版本是AATCC 202-2012(R2013)。 AATCC 202-2012(R2013)的历代版本如下: 0000年AATCC 202-2012(R2013) 1. 目的和范围 1.1 本方法用于通过测量选定的参考织物和可比较的候选织物的机械性能来确定仪器相对手感值 (RHV)。 1.2 本方法并非旨在取代 AATCC 评估程序 5,织物手感:主观评估指南,也不认为通过本方法获得...
AATCC Technical Manual/2013 TM 202-2012 405 taking specimens, agreement should be reached between parties as to whether the technical face, back or both sides shall be tested. 9.2 Wear gloves during specimen prep- aration, as excessive handling and distor- tion of fabric in any manner must ...
AATCC Technical Manual/2013 TM 202-2012 405 taking specimens, agreement should be reached between parties as to whether the technical face, back or both sides shall be tested. 9.2 Wear gloves during specimen prep- aration, as excessive handling and distor- tion of fabric in any manner must ...
AATCC TM202-2012(2020)Test Method for Relative Hand Value of Textiles Instrumental纺织品相对手感值的试验方法:仪器法 AATCC TM210-2019(2020)Test Method for Electrical Resistance Before and After Various Exposure Conditions不同暴露条件前后电阻的试验方法 12、Water & Weather Resistance Properties防水和耐候...
AATCC 150-2012 2024年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 AATCC 150-2018 当前最新 AATCC 150-2018 适用范围 本测试方法用于测定服装在经过消费者常用的家庭洗涤程序时的尺寸变化。四种洗涤温度、三种搅拌周期、两种漂洗温度和四种干燥程序涵盖了消费者使用当前洗衣机时可用的常见家庭护理选项。经过家庭洗涤护理程序的服装的尺寸变化...
aatcc 202-2013 ra89 纺织品的相对手感值:仪器评价法 aatcc评定程序 程序编号委员会评定程序 aatcc ep1-2012 ra36 变色灰卡 aatcc ep2-2012 ra36 沾色灰卡 aatcc ep4-2011 ra36 评定深度用标准深度色卡 aatcc ep5-2011 ra89 织物手感:主观评定 aatcc ep6-2008 ...
AATCC 89-2012 RA34 棉丝光评价 AATCC 90-2011 RA31 纺织材料抗菌性能的评价:琼脂平皿法 AATCC 92-2013 RR35 残留氯强力损失:单试样法 AATCC 93-2011 RA29 织物的耐磨性能:埃克西来罗试验仪法 AATCC 94-2012 RA45 纺织品整理剂:鉴别方法 AATCC 96-2012 RA42 机织物和针织物(除毛织物外)经商业洗涤后...
AATCC 202-2013 RA89 纺织品的相对手感值:仪器评价法 AATCC评定程序 程序编号委员会评定程序 AATCC EP1-2012 RA36 变色灰卡 AATCC EP2-2012 RA36 沾色灰卡 AATCC EP4-2011 RA36 评定深度用标准深度色卡 AATCC EP5-2011 RA89 织物手感:主观评定 AATCC EP6-2008 ...