AATCC Technical Manual/2012 TM 197-2011 373Developed in 2011 by AATCC Commit-tee RA63.ForewordHistorically, the textile industry hasutilized many different test proceduresfor determining the wicking characteris-tics of textile fabrics, i.e. the movementof water or liquid through fabrics. Withinthe...
幼儿/小学教育 > 教育管理 > AATCC 197-2011 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 239阅读文档大小:6.22M3页siwycjqm上传于2017-12-04格式:PDF AATCC 20-2011 热度: AATCC 124-2011 热度: AATCC 174-2011 热度: AATCC 197-2011,AATCC 197-2011,AATCC,197-2011...
AATCC 197-2011 发布 2024年 发布单位 美国纺织化学家和染色师协会 替代标准 AATCC 197-2012 当前最新 AATCC 197-2022 适用范围 该测试方法用于评估垂直排列的织物样品沿其和/或通过其输送液体的能力,适用于机织、针织或非织造织物。 购买 正式版专题
AATCC 197-2011由美国纺织化学家和染色师协会 US-AATCC 发布于 2024-04-21。AATCC 197-2011 纺织品的垂直芯吸的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 AATCC 197-2022 。AATCC 197-2011的历代版本如下: 2024年 AATCC 197-2022 纺织品的垂直吸湿 2024年 AATCC 197-2018 纺织品的垂直芯吸 2024年 AATCC 197-2013 纺织...
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AATCC86-2011印花图案及整理剂的干洗耐久性AATCC88B-2011织物经多次家庭洗涤后的缝线平整度AATCC88C-2011织物经多次家庭洗涤后的褶裥保持性AATCC89-2008棉花丝光 AATCC90-2011纺织材料抗菌活性评定:琼脂平板测定法AATCC92-2009残留氯的强力损失:单试样法
aatcc 197-2013 ra63 纺织品的垂直毛细效应 aatcc 198-2013 ra63 纺织品的水平毛细效应 aatcc 199-2013 ra63 纺织品的干燥时间:水分计法 aatcc 200-2013 ra63 纺织品吸水范围内的干燥速率:气流法 aatcc 201-2013 ra63 织物干燥速率:加热板法 aatcc 202-2013 ...
“moisture manage-ment” to describe these phenomena.While, traditionally, wicking tests mea-sured the movement of liquids throughthe vertical plane of fabrics (commonlyreferred to as vertical wicking), (seeAATCC Test Method 197, Vertical Wick-ing of Textiles), the improvements in thelast decade ...
20A-2011, Fiber Analysis: Quantitative. Revised to add two new chemical separations, Method 9-Alkaline Methanol and Method 10-Xylenes. As a result, additional chemicals were added to the Reagents Section and Tables I and II were modified. Also, an addition to the Uses and Limitations Sec-tion...