AATCCTechnicalManual/2011TM183-2010317 Developedin1998byAATCCCommit- teeRA106;reaffirmed1999,2000;re- vised2004,2010. 1.PurposeandScope 1.1Thisstandardtestmethodisused todeterminetheultravioletradiation blockedortransmittedbytextilefabrics intendedtobeusedforUVprotection. ...
1.适用范围 本测试方法用来评价制作防紫外线辐射纺织品的织物阻碍或透过紫外线辐射的能力。 本测试方法可以用来测试样品在干态和湿态下的防紫外线性能。 2.测试原理 用分光光度计或已知波长范围的分光辐射度计测定穿过样品的紫外线UV-R(280-400nm)。 紫外线防护系数UPF是根据穿过空气时算出的紫外线辐射平均效应UV...
1.适用范围 本测试方法用来评价制作防紫外线辐射纺织品的织物阻碍或透过紫外线辐射的能力。 本测试方法可以用来测试样品在干态和湿态下的防紫外线性能。 2.测试原理 用分光光度计或已知波长范围的分光辐射度计测定穿过样品的紫外线UV-R(280-400nm)。 紫外线防护系数UPF是根据穿过空气时算出的紫外线辐射平均效应UV...
AATCC 183 紫外线穿透织物强度.pdf,AATCC Test Method 183-2004 Transmittance or Blocking of Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet Radiation through Fabrics Developed in 1998 by AATCC Commit- ance transmitted and calculated through 6.2 As indexed in catalogues: F
AATCC 183-2020 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of this test method are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and ...
AATCC TM 183 织物紫外防护系数UPF测试标准 联系我们 1.适用范围 本测试方法用来评价制作防紫外线辐射纺织品的织物阻碍或透过紫外线辐射的能力。 本测试方法可以用来测试样品在干态和湿态下的防紫外线性能。 2.测试原理 用分光光度计或已知波长范围的分光辐射度计测定穿过样品的紫外线UV-R(280-400nm)。
AATCC TM169-2020 Test Method for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure is revised to add references standards, added Appendix B, and various editorial changes. AATCC TM183-2020 Test Method for Transmittance or Blocking of Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet Radiation throu...
AATCC Test Method 26 Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated AATCC Test Method 98 Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide AATCC Test Method 144 Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Total AATCC Test Method 94 Analysis of Textiles: Finishes, Identification of ...
Copyright © 2005 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists338TM 183-2004AATCC T echnical Manual/2006Developed in 1998 by AATCC Commit-tee RA106; reaffirmed 1999, 2000; re-vised 2004.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This standard test method is usedto determine the ultraviolet radiationblocked...
内容提示: 312 AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures/20211. Purpose and Scope1.1 The storage of garments made withcomponent parts of more than one shadesometimes results in the transfer of dyefrom one area to another, normally fromthe darker to the ...