(TM) 179 is to beused to evaluate the change in fabricskew after home laundering. TM207Seam Twist in Garments Before and Af-ter Home Laundering is for evaluation ofseam twist before and after home laun-dering. ASTM D3882, Standard TestMethod for Bow and Skew of Woven andKnitted Fabrics ...
AATCC 179-2023 适用范围 1. 目的和范围 1.1 本测试方法测定机织和针织织物在经过家庭常用的重复自动洗涤程序后织物的歪斜度或服装的扭曲度变化。本方法规定了用于收缩测试和其他家庭洗涤测试的洗涤和干燥程序。1.2 对于某些织物,服装中织物的扭曲度不仅取决于其在未缝制状态下的行为;还可能取决于服装的组装方式。
AATCC179-2004全自動家庭洗滌引起的織物緯 斜和成衣的扭曲性能 頁碼第3頁共4頁 東莞美美印花有限公司 文件編號MM-LAB-038 DONGGUANMEIMEIPRINTINGDYEINGCO.LTD.版次第一版 10.1.3.用計算方法1來量度四方形的標記﹐量度和記錄斜直線AC和BD的長度﹐以mm或 ...
AATCC TM179-2023 标准名称:AATCC TM179-2023 适用范围: 该测试方法用于确定家用洗涤后织物偏斜变化。适用于所有适合家用洗涤的梭织和针织面料。 本标准通过在洗涤前对试样标记,并测量洗涤后的标记对齐情况来计算百分比偏斜并记录偏斜方向,结果接近零表示几乎没有偏斜;数值越大表示偏斜程度越高。该方法不会产生负数偏斜...
深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司 提供的 美国纺织品标准 AATCC 179 织物和服装扭曲 / 歪斜测试项目,Testitem测试名称:Spirality/ Skewing of Fabrics &Garments织物和服装扭曲/歪斜Normrefer涉及标准:ISO16322-1/-2/-3Testinfo
324 TM 179-2004 AATCC Technical Manual/2008 corner (see Fig. 1). Any alternate size specimens and bench marks used must be indicated in report (see 12.11 and 12.12). Flat and circular knit fabrics: Tubular finished knit fabric samples rep- resenting goods used in the tubular state...
AATCC 179-2004(2008) RA42 Skewness Change in Fabric and Garment Twist Resulting from Automatic Home Laundering 323 AATCC 181-2005(2008) RA50 Colorfastness to Light at High Temperatures: Daylight Temperature and Humidity Controlled Apparatus 327 AATCC 182-2005(2008) RA36 Relative Color Strength of...
AATCC 179 所在地 深圳市罗湖区翠竹街道翠宁社区太宁路145号二单元705 联系电话 17324413130 罗经理 17324413130 检测工程师 罗卓文请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 17324413130 详细介绍 Testitem测试名称:Spirality/ Skewing of Fabrics &Garments 织物和服装扭曲 / 歪斜 ...
AATCC 179-2019扭度测试 Foreword AATCC TM179 is used to evaluate the change in fabric skew after home launder-ing. AATCC TM207 is for evaluation of seam twist before and after home laun-dering. ASTM D3882 is only used to evaluate fabric skew in its original (un-laundered) state. The ...
AATCC 179-2017 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: AATCC Technical Manual/2018 TM179-2017 335Developed in 1994 by AATCC Commit-tee RA42; revised 1995, 2004, 2010,2012, 2017 (with title change); reaf-firmed 1996; editorially revised and re-affirmed 2001; editorially revised 2005,2008, 2009, 2014. ...