6.Emmanouil Sinakos, Panteleimon Panas, Ioannis Goulis, et al. Tenofovir Alafenamide for Hepatitis B Virus Prophylaxis Post-liver Transplantation: A Real-world Study in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. AASLD 2019 Abstract Number: 1176. 7.Ming-Lun Yeh, Mr. Sam Trinh, Dr. Chung-Feng Huang...
Living related liver transplantation for hepatitis B–related liver disease without hepatitis B immune globulin prophylaxis Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) is routinely used in liver transplantation for hepatitis B virus (HBV)–related liver disease. With potent oral antivira... M Wadhawan,S Gupta...
6.Emmanouil Sinakos, Panteleimon Panas, Ioannis Goulis, et al. Tenofovir Alafenamide for Hepatitis B Virus Prophylaxis Post-liver Transplantation: A Real-world Study in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. AASLD 2019 Abstract Number: 1176. 7.Ming-Lun Yeh, Mr. Sam Trinh, Dr. Chung-Feng Huang...
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2. Buti M, Riveiro-Barciela M, Esteban R. Long-term safety and efficacy of nucleo(t)side analogue therapy in hepatitis B.Liver International.2018;38(Suppl. 1):84–89. 3. European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the management of hepatitis...