#2722: FILE: dts/arm/armv8-a.dtsi:13: + compatible = "simple-bus"; -:3053: WARNING:COMPLEX_MACRO: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parentheses #3053: FILE: include/arch/arm/aarch64/cpu.h:46: +#define __ISB() __asm__ volatile ("isb sy" : : : "memory") -...
OpenWrt target/subtarget MediaTek ARM / Filogic 8x0 (MT798x) Device GL.iNet GL-MT3000 Image kind Self-built image Steps to reproduce Use make {toolchain,target,package/gnutls}/compile V=s -j2 to get the above error log Actual behaviour Compile with gcc14 and get an error. After execu...
clang++ -v -DXCODE_ARMLINUX -DXCODE_64 -O2 -fPIC -D__x86_64__ -D__LP64__ --target=aarch64-linux-ohos --sysroot=/home/openharmony/ohos-sdk/native/sysroot -march=armv8-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -DXZLIB8 -L/usr/lib64 -lm -lpthread localcharset.o iconv.o relocatable.o -fPIC -...