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Apple Inc. Stock Equities AAPL US0378331005 Phones & Handheld Devices Real-time EstimateCboe BZX 09:37:47 2025-02-12 am EST5-day change1st Jan Change 231.78USD-0.36% -0.08%-7.11% 09:26amTRUMP NOMINATES FORMER APPLE EXEC JONATHAN MORRISON TO HEAD NATI…RE...
AAPL | Complete Apple Inc. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
Those who took the decision to buy Apple stock in the firm’s early days will have been handsomely rewarded by now. Founded by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Mike Wozniak in 1976, the Silicon Valley giant has cemented itself as a stubborn force in the tech world, having become the world...
【伯恩斯坦将苹果公司评级上调至"跑赢大盘" 维持195美元目标价】伯恩斯坦周一对苹果公司(AAPL.US)的评级进行了上调,苹果公司预计于5月2日公布其第二季度的财务报告。当前市场普遍预期苹果公司第二季度的每股收益为1.51美元,营收达到906亿美元。在此次评级调整中,伯恩斯坦分析师ToniSacconaghi将苹果公司的评级从"与大盘一...
智通财经APP了解到,2025年伊始,苹果公司(AAPL.US)市场表现备受瞩目。高盛发布研报对其2025财年第一财季业绩做出展望,称该股将在短期承压,但将在年中呈现向好态势。在复杂市场环境下,苹果未来或将面临挑战与危机并存的局面。 高盛预计苹果Q1营收将达1242亿美元,市场普遍预期为 1248 亿美元,该行预计每股收益为2.35美元...
© Reuters. 苹果(AAPL.US)2025年计划拓宽护城河:除了iPhone,有望发布更多产品AAPL 1.27% 智通财经获悉,苹果(AAPL.US)计划在2025年发布多达20种或更多的产品,包括可能最快在本月发布的新款MacBook Air,但服务收入将继续作为增长的主要推动力。尽管新iPhone可能会再次成为这家科技巨头的畅销产品,但在今年全年,苹果...
Apple Stock Forecast, AAPL stock price prediction. Price target in 14 days: 260.954 USD. The best long-term & short-term Apple share price prognosis for 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 with daily AAPL exchange price projections: monthly and daily open
智通财经APP了解到,2025年伊始,苹果公司(AAPL.US) -0.900 (-0.376%) 市场表现备受瞩目。高盛发布研报对其2025财年第一财季业绩做出展望,称该股将在短期承压,但将在年中呈现向好态势。在复杂市场环境下,苹果未来或将面临挑战与危机并存的局面。 高盛预计苹果Q1营收将达1242亿美元,市场普遍预期为 1248 亿美元,该行...
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