用Quizlet學習並牢記包含CASE 1 DIAGNOSES: Stage III cystocele, stage II uterine prolapse. (Do not code the cystocele separately as it is included in the diagnosis code for the uterine prolapse.) PROCEDURE: Pessary fitting. INDICATIONS: A 75 year-old, g
3 A 23 year-old woman presents with sudden LLQ (left lower quadrant) pain which does not resolve. The decision is made to perform exploratory laparoscopy revealing a cyst on the left ovary. The cyst is removed along with a partial oophorectomy. What is/are the CPT® code(s) reported ...
lesion is on the right cheek, narrowing the range to 11640-11646. The largest diameter is 2.3 cm plus 0.4 cm (2 mm + 2 mm on each side; 1 mm equals 0.1 cm) making the excised diameter 2.7 cm. The correct code selection is 11643. Simple one-layer repair is not reported ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含A listing file, or database containing procedures, services, devices, pharmaceuticals, and supplies provided by the facility is called: a. APC b. CDM c. OCE d. PPS、If a claim that is not clean or complete is submitted to a payer,
He had an intact palate and a 3-4 + adenoid pad.TECHNIQUE: Patient was brought into the operative suite and comfortably positioned on the table. General mask anesthesia was induced. Appropriate drapes were placed. Attention was turned to the right ear.(Indication of which ear the tube will ...