The guideline recommends intensive behavior and lifestyle modifications as the foundation of obesity treatment, similar to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's current recommendations. The AAP guideline states that the most effective intervention includes a minimum of 26 hours of face-to-face,...
RecommendationsforPreventionand ControlofInfluenzainChildren, 2024–2025:PolicyStatement CommitteeonInfectiousDiseases ThisstatementupdatestherecommendationsoftheAmericanAcademyabstract ofPediatricsfortheroutineuseofinfluenzavaccinesandantiviral medicationsinthepreventionandtreatmentofinfluenzainchildrenThisdocumentiscopyrightedand...
Then subcommittee members "selectively updated this literature search for articles published from 2008 to 2011 specific to guideline categories." Of the 3,166 studies, 350 were used to formulate eight recommendations, termed "key action statements" (Pediatrics 2012;130:576-84).Since publication of ...
AAP发新版阻塞性REM呼吸暂停治疗指南 《儿科学》(Pediatrics)8月27日发表的美国儿科学会(AAP)新版临床化疗手册劝告,在行增殖腺扁桃体结扎的阻塞性排便气管暂时中止综合征(OSAS)患者应住院(Pediatrics 2012;130:576-84)。新版手册是由AAP的OSAS秘书处对1999~2008年发表的3166篇相关学术论文及2008~2011年发表的手册类文章...
Badrinath, Padmanabhan, 39 Banked human milk, 335 Bañuelos, Jennifer, 7 Barriers to Compliance with Infant-Feeding Recommendations Among Low-Income Women (Original Research), 27 Barriers to Expectant Fathers'Attendance at Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes (ILCAMN Blanchet...
toddlers, hyperlipidemia, disease prevention, diet-related diseases, dietary recommendations, child nutrition, low fat milk, cardiovascular diseases, overweight, obesity, blood lipidsLearning Objectives: After reading this article, the participant should be able to create recommendations for patients ...
Childhood type 2 diabetes poses a challenge to many physicians who are not used to treating this disease in such young patients. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released a guideline of evidence-based recommendations for treating type 2 diabetes in patients 10 to 18 years of age....