The article reports that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has reiterated its stand that removing firearms from homes and restricting the sale of handguns in communities will help to counter the destructive effect...
The annual flu vaccine significantly reduces a child's risk of severe influenza and death, according to the AAP policy statement, "Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2018-2019," to be published in the October 2018 Pediatrics (published online Sept. 3). "The fl...
有的爸妈可能听说过宝宝如果对鸡蛋过敏的话就不能接种某些疫苗,但是今年AAP最新发布的Flu Vaccine Recommendations for 2018-2019明确指出,即使是对鸡蛋过敏的宝宝也可以接种流感疫苗,并且没有比接种疫苗更好的预防方式。 (截图自AAP官网:
7,85.Recommendationsforimmunizationofimmunocom- ages.Byreducingtheburdenofrespiratoryillnesses,in- fluenzavaccinationhelpstopreservehealthcarecapacity,promisedhostshavebeenupdated. especiallywhenothervirusesarecocirculating.TheAmeri-6.Recommendationsforimprovingaccesstoinfluenza vaccineareemphasized. canAcademyofPediatrics...
(HealthDay)—All children and adolescents are advised to undergo annual influenza immunization, ideally with an inactivated influenza vaccine, according to a policy statement published online Sept. 3 in Pediatrics.
全球已上市的流感疫苗分为流感灭活疫苗(Inactivated Influenza Vaccine,IIV)和流感减毒活疫苗(Live attenuated influenza vaccine ,LAIV)。包括三价和四价。针对特定人群的高抗原含量灭活流感疫苗、佐剂疫苗以及皮内接种疫苗等。 小结:中国疫苗均为灭活疫苗,美国不仅有灭活疫苗,还有减毒活疫苗。
Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2017–2018. Pediatrics. 2017;140(4):e20172550.[2] 10 Things for Parents to Know About the 2017-2018 Flu Vaccine.
hydroxytoluene or B.H.T. and many others. Don’t let the mainstream media and pharma spin doctors lull you into only focusing on the thimerosal. Remember these corporations would no doubt lose everything if a connection is made between the preservatives and the world wide vaccine programs...
AAP flu recommendations allow for coadministration with COVID-19 vaccineVasconcellos, DavidNeonatology Today
AAP off ers recommendations to increase vaccination coverage SCID added as contraindication for rotavirus vaccinesDiseases, VaccinePreventable