Indian actor Aamir Khan on Saturday said Eid brings back a flood of childhood memories. Wearing a crisp white Kurta-Pyjama, Khan stepped out with his son, Azad, and wife, Kiran Rao, for the first time in front of the media. “Wish you all happy Eid on behalf me, Kiran and Azad. It...
Bollywood’s ‘perfectionist’ Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan has shared some heartwarming candid pictures of her wedding celebrations, and it has a glimpse of their entire family. IANS Jan 27, 2024 02:08 0 Source: IANS Mumbai, Jan 27 (IANS) Bollywood’s ‘perfectionist’ Aamir K...
Aamir Khan Once Accepted His Box Office Defeat After Clashing With Shah Rukh Khan In 1995! (Photo Credit – Prime Video)It was on December 1, 1995, that two superstars of the industry, Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, clashed against each other at the box office. It was Srk’s Ram Jaan...
Aamir Khan On Laal Singh Chaddha failure ( Photo Credit – IMDb )Aamir Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha was released in 2022. The film is a remake of Tom Hanks’ 1994 Hollywood film, Forrest Gump. The Hindi remake, directed by Advait Chauhan, also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Mona Singh...
Much has been written about why Dangal has enjoyed such big success in China.Some people say one reason is that the film's star and producer,Aamir Khan.He is famous in India's Bollywood film industry.Two of his earlier films were also big hits in China. ...
Thakor, Prashant
Aamir Khan - Son Of God Dhoom Machale Dhoom 电影< 幻影车神3 >片段 中文字幕猜你喜欢 沙鲁克汗-Kyoun Hawa 中文字幕版 (Race) 2008 插曲 />印度群星-Teri Har Ada Ne Mujpe <生死竞赛>(Race) 2008 插曲 沙鲁克汗-我在这里 中文字幕 Asin-Kaise Mujhe 未知死亡插曲 李珉宇-Kiss it Away 印度群星-...
Aamir Khan, Indian film actor who was known for his consistent performances and intelligent choice of scripts. His insistence on a complete script before shooting and working on only one film at a time heralded a new professionalism in Bollywood. Learn m