Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's nephew Imran Khan has quit Bollywood as an actor. He broke the news earlier this month. Imran made his debut in Hindi film industry in 2008 with the hit film "Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na". However, most of what followed was forgettable fare as "Luck", "...
Star Crowd ; Going by that moustache, we are sure Aamir Khan will make a fine police officer in Reema Kagti's forthcoming film, but he decided to play truant for his 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. shoot in Mumbai and chartered a flight to Mohali with Kiran Rao. His nephew, Imran Khan, didn...
Pitch imperfect ; So it will be a Khan week again, as Aamir Khan throws a big reception for his nephew, Imran Khan, on February 5.Kaveree Bamzai