(PGP) RFC2021 远程网络监控管理信息基础 版本 2使用SMIv2 RFC2025 简单公共密钥GSS-API机制(SPKM) RFC2040 RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad,和 RC5-CTS算法 RFC2042 注册新BGP属性类型 RFC2046 多用途Internet邮件扩展(多用途网际邮件扩充协议(MIME))第二部分:媒体类型 RFC2053 AM (美国)域 RFC2078 通用安全...
Vertical Aerospace founder Stephen Fitzpatrick committed $50 million to keep the air taxi manufacturer liquid through mid-2025. NASA and Archer partnered to test electric air taxi battery systems for potential use in spaceflight. Electra topped 2,000 preorders for its nine-seat hybrid eSTOL followin...