White, Richard A. 1994. The Gender and Minority Composition of New Law Teachers and AALS Faculty Appointments Register Candidates. Journal of Le- gal Education 44:424-33.White, R. A. (1994). The Gender and Minority Composition of New Law Teachers and AALS Faculty Appointments Register ...
new faculty, and serve as a resource for discussions on important legal issues from antitrust, dispute resolution and, taxation to civil rights, criminal justice, and international law. Each year, the association also hosts a faculty recruitment conference, a workshop for new law teachers, a ...
12.2 The Bretton Woods system and international economic organizations。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
interactionsmeasurementnucleonsscattering nucleons/interactions n + n, status of experimental studies on, (eBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksRonald W StaudtThe Physical Society of Japan (JPS)Supplement of the Progress of Theoretical Physics
Sara Saba, The Astynomoi Law of Pergamon. A New Commentary. (Die hellenistische Polis als Lebensform, Bd. 6.) Heidelberg, Verlag Antike 2013The, Astynomoi, Law, Pergamon, New, CommentaryReviewed publicationdoi:10.1515/hzhz-2016-0478Wolfgang Orth...