AmResearch Sdn Bhd, in a recent review note, says the market is expecting a 1% to 10% 'premium hike' according to data collected by TNB. Note that for a tariff hike to benefit TNB's earnings, the Government must approve a quantum that is sufficient to cover a likely gas price ...
中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会 (PCHi2024) 将于2024年3月20-22日在上海世博展览馆拉开序幕。 力荐的新品百里挑一,优选的展商万里相聚。2024早春三月,PCHi将携手全球700+化妆品领军企业,100+行业资深大咖,30000+专业...