If it says “x64-based PC,” your computer is running the 64-bit version of Windows 10. If it says “x86,” you’re running the 32-bit version. If you’re not sure which edition of Windows 10 you have, open Settings > System > About and look under “Windows specifications.” Some...
分享12 专注于win7吧 孺子剑 Win7_x64_7.8c出现激活失败,多种工具无效今天使用Win7_x64_7.8 安装在联想扬天M2610K上,完成后显示还有3天就不能试用。机器配置 赛扬G390+B250,出厂商OEM的WIN10。 然后尝试以下几种软件,全都激活失败;1,windows_loader_v2.2.1... 分享41 win10吧 西江月下死 要了老命了...