[1]Tsuyoshi Terada,et al.T cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy using TCR gene derived from an HLA-A2 hepatoblastoma patient who was completely cured by administration of glypican-3 peptide vaccine.2024.AACR.https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article/84/6_Supplement/3614/737210/Abstract-3614-...
[3]Luo T I,et al.Abstract CT069: Targeting EpCAM via CAR T-cells is an effective treatment for gastric cancer patients and subsequent toll-like receptor signaling activation in CD36+ monocyte underlies the resulting cytokine release syndrome[J]. Cancer Research, 2024, 84(7_Supplement): CT069...
[3]Luo T I,et al.Abstract CT069: Targeting EpCAM via CAR T-cells is an effective treatment for gastric cancer patients and subsequent toll-like receptor signaling activation in CD36+ monocyte underlies the resulting cyto...
2023. Individuals interested in joining the AACR and sponsoring a clinical trial or late-breaking abstract must submit an application for membership no later than January 3, 2024. Membership questions may be directed
AACR2024 abstract AACR2024摘要提交时间 AACR2024进展 AACR2024 百度云 AACR2024会议地址 【创业神器精选股池】●安装简单●使用简单●送【神器精选升级】●定驿站送试用![金钻指标-技术共享交流论坛] 本帖最后由 飞天云飞 于 2024-11-26 18:40 编辑 【创业神器精选股池】感恩回馈*福*利》》》金钻指标试用● 定...
参考资料 [1]Tsuyoshi Terada,et al.T cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy using TCR gene derived from an HLA-A2 hepatoblastoma patient who was completely cured by administration of glypican-3 peptide vaccine.2024.AACR...
AACR 2024 摘要征文投稿 重要日期: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Regular Abstract Submission Opens: September 29, 2023 - 摘要征集开始 NextGen Stars Application Deadline: October 3, 2023 This program provides AACR Associate members and Active members at the assistant professor level or equivalent the opportunity to...
[1]Tsuyoshi Terada,et al.T cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy using TCR gene derived from an HLA-A2 hepatoblastoma patient who was completely cured by administration of glypican-3 peptide vaccine.2024.AACR. https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article/84/6_Supplement/3614/737210/Abstract-3614...
4.Abstract CT179: Safety and efficacy of JSKN003 in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors: A first-in-human, dose-escalation, multicenter, open-label, phase I study 5.Abstract 6580: A Novel EGFR x cMET bispecific ADC PRO1286 demonstrated broad antitumor activity and promising tolerabili...
2024 AACR 年会将于 2024 年 4 月 5 日 - 10 日在美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥会议中心召开。 MCE 展位:NO.749 目前,AACR 官网在线公布了摘要标题,众多中国创新研究成果公布。 本文将汇总 Clinical Trial Abstract Plenary Sessions (临床试验摘要全体会议)、Clinical Trial Abstract Minisymposia (临床试验摘要小型...