All proffered papers that are accepted for poster or oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023must be presented in person.Posters will not be presented in electronic format, and remote minisymposium presentations will not be permitted. Presenters who are unable to travel to Orlando to pre...
目前该研究中SHR-A1811的4.8 mg/kg和5.6 mg/kg剂量扩展正在进行,以进一步确认RP2D(临床试验二期推荐剂量)。 图片来源:2023 AACR Poster CT204 3.HS-10365,针对 RET融合的I期试验,初治ORR为83.3%,经治ORR为66.7% HS-10365是一种高效选择性...
All proffered papers that are accepted for poster or oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023must be presented in person.Posters will not be presented in electronic format, and remote minisymposium presentations will not be permitted. Presenters who are unable to travel to Orlando to pre...
AACR 2023:掌握双抗黄金矿脉,挖呀挖呀挖 上月,美国癌症研究协会(AACR)2023年第114届年会在奥兰多成功召开。AACR作为全球成立最早、规模最大的科学组织,一直致力于全面、创新和高水准的癌症领域的研究和探索。 据统计,2023年AACR肿瘤年会吸引了来自2800多家企业的2.5万多名专家学者的参与,近500家中外药企的7300多份...
POSTER PRESENTATIONS - PROFFERED ABSTRACTS| APRIL 04 2023 Abstract 1881: Pre-clinical evaluation of a novel antibody drug conjugate (ADC) LM-306 targeting IL-13Rα2 in immuno-oncology Interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2 (IL-13Rα2) is overexpressed in various types of cancers including glioma and...
Dive into groundbreaking research with AACR 2023 Poster Resources. Discover a novel mouse model for anti-CD3/GPRC5D bispecific antibodies, the B6-KrasLSL-G12C model for lung tumor development, and more.
1. Awad MM,et al. Lung Cancer. 2019;133:96-102. 2. Friese-Hamim M, et al. Lung Cancer. 2022;163:77-86. 3. 2022 WCLC,OA03.05. 4. 2023 NCCN CNS guidance V1. P61,P67. 5. 2023 AACR, poster 1146 ...
2023年4月14日-19日,美国癌症研究协会年会在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多举行,来自全球各地超过2800家单位7441项研究(Poster)纷纷亮相,国内超98家药企展示了119多项新药临床及临床前研究。 01 行业风向标 作为美国肿瘤届最为盛大的多学科会议,美国癌症研究协会(American Association for Cancer Research,AACR)于1907年成立,是世...