2023AACR年会上公布最新CAR-T实体瘤的最新进展,大大鼓舞了CAR-T实体瘤临床研究的信心。我们期待CAR-T细胞疗法能早日攻克实体瘤,造福更多患者! 参考文献: 1.AACR: Novel allogeneic CAR T cell therapy delivers promising early results in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2.Abstract CT097...
[1]A phase 1/2a, multicenter, open-label, first-in-human study to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary antitumor activity of DB-1311 (a B7-H3-targeting ADC) in patients with advanced/meta...
在疾病控制率方面:①KRAS G12C抑制剂初治NSCLC患者的疾病控制率(DCR)为88%;②既往接受过KRAS G12C抑制剂治疗的患者DCR为64%;③CRC、胰腺癌和其他癌症患者的DCR分别为90%、92%和95%。 图片来源:2023 AACR Abstract CT028 5. 肺癌第4代EGF...
1.AACR: Novel allogeneic CAR T cell therapy delivers promising early results in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2.Abstract CT097: First report of preliminary safety, efficacy, andpharmacokinetics of C-CARO31(GPC3-specific TGFBRIIDN CART) in patients with advanced HCC...
2023 04/21 丰硕创投 媒体 + 分享 丰硕创投 A- A+ CD25靶向适体-药物偶联物(CD25-ApDC)选择性地消耗和阻断调节性T细胞。 由于字数过多,分两篇发表,合集(一)摘要编号范围为383-3942,所有编号无英文字母。合集(二)摘要编号范围为3995-LB246,所有涉及英文字母的编号都在此。 Abstract 3995: Trastuzumab derux...
[1] Pierce Chow et al, IMbrave050: Phase 3 study of adjuvant atezolizumab + bevacizumab versus active surveillance in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at high risk of disease recurrence following resection or ablation. AACR 2023 abstract CT003.免责声明:药明康德内容团队专注介绍全球生物...
摘要内容(来源于AACR 2023 Abstract 1872) CD137是T细胞的共刺激因子,其在T细胞的增殖和存活中具有重要的作用。该抗体利用CD3激活T细胞的同时可以防止T细胞耗竭,同时也可以促进T细胞产生Th1相关细胞因子,在肿瘤的杀伤中同样发挥作用。 RG6524作用机制 (来源于官网) ...
[1]Zhang Yian, Li Yuhua, Hu Kai, et al. HR001, a novel CD19-targeted CAR-T cell therapy for patients with relapsed/ refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: primary results of a phase Ⅱ study (HRAIN01-NHL01-Ⅱ). 2024 AACR. Abstract CT244. ...
点击文末“阅读原文/Read more”,即可访问AACR官网阅读完整论文。 参考资料 [1] John V. Heymach et al, AEGEAN: A phase 3 trial of neoadjuvant durvalumab + chemotherapy followed by adjuvant durvalumab in patients with resectable NSCLC. AACR 2023 abstract CT005. 打开南方+阅读全文...