Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. AAC 202417+ EducationScape Limited Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Official event app for the FE Week Annual Apprenticeship Conference and Exhibition. The flagship national apprenticeship conference for employers and providers. ...
iPadスクリーンショット 説明 「AAC好溝通」是一款全中文化介面的圖文溝通編輯平台,內含3,800張以上之照片及內建中、英、台、客、粵五種真人語音資料,並可透過拍照、攝影、連結音樂及影片的方式,達到溝通與學習之效,該軟體另具掃瞄功能,並可進行螢幕掃瞄或外接特殊開關進行單鍵或雙鍵掃瞄使用(需另購無線藍芽特...
iPad ScreenshotsDescription A VOICE FOR EVERYONE Clicker Communicator is the definitive AAC app that gives a voice to children and young people with speech and language difficulties. This is the latest addition to Crick Software’s Clicker family, continuously developed over 20 years and used across...
Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases iPad Screenshots Description PandaPal - Autism Communication System is a user-friendly communication tool that has been proven over the past 7 years to help facilitate communication and improve language skills, designed by Kim Scott-DeLand, M.S., CCC...
Reviews of the top AAC apps in 2023 along with information about how to use AAC to help a child learn to communicate
Three, the magic number that makes a group, symbolizes a fundamental unit our society is built upon. A group achieves many things a solo or duo cannot, and is formed in many more ways you can imagine. There are plenty of apps out there for you to discover people as individuals, but ve...
ls=1&mt=8'; } } }, 2500); }; /** * ipad上下载地图包,同样是跳转到苹果AppStore应用下载页 * ipad没有进入页面立即调起的逻辑,不需要判断openNaType === 'autopage'的情况 */ var downloadIpadPkg = function (opts) { // 是否曾经隐藏过,离开该页面 var isOnceHidden = false; var vi...
(a);break;case"IpadType":l.curWinowCallup(e),u&&l.downloadIpadPkg(a);break;default:l.iframeCallup(e),u&&l.downloadIosPkg(a)}},150)}};o.exports={callNaAll:u,callNAbyUniversalLink:d}}); ;define("common:widget/util/aladdininternation-util.js",function(e,t,n){"use strict"...
iPad 截屏简介 瑪利亞基金會”AAC溝通50+”APP,是由語言治療師和程式設計工程師共同合作,針對溝通初學者或中重度溝通障礙者而設計的溝通應用軟體,透過預設好的常用核心詞彙以及自由設定的其他詞彙,在溝通夥伴的輔助示範與情境示範,可以達到80%的溝通功能。 主要特色 1.內建50個常用核心辭彙,不須繁複設定即可立即使用...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.AAC好溝通 4+ Unlimiter Designed for iPad 5.0 • 2 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases iPad ScreenshotsDescription "AAC 好溝通" is a full-cultural communication interface graphic editing platform, contains more than 3,800 photos of the ...