Red blood cell transfusion is a common medical intervention with benefits and harms.红细胞输注是一种常见的医疗干预措施,有利有弊。 ObjectiveTo provide recommendations for use of red blood cell transfusion in adults and children.提供成人和儿童使用红细胞...
On the disc is the just-released 24th edition of 'Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services', as well as the complete set of 'legacy' editions, 1st through 23rd. And, for the first time, AABB 'Guidelines' are searchable too. This CD contains all of the 'Guidelines' that are ...
"The Standards for Out of Hospital Transfusion Service (OHTAS Standards) was prepared by the AABB Board of Directors, AABB staff and key volunteers from AABB’s Blood Banks/Transfusion Services Standards Committee. The goal of the OHTAS Standards is to maintain and enhance the quality and ...
MDIMPORTANCE Redbloodcelltransfusionisacommonmedicalinterventionwithbenefitsandharms.OBJECTIVE Toproviderecommendationsforuseofredbloodcelltransfusioninadultsandchildren.EVIDENCE REVIEW Standardsfortrustworthyguidelineswerefollowed,includingusingGradingofRecommendationsAssessment,DevelopmentandEvaluationmethods,managingconflictsof...
"The Standards for Out of Hospital Transfusion Service (OHTAS Standards) was prepared by the AABB Board of Directors, AABB staff and key volunteers from AABB’s Blood Banks/Transfusion Services Standards Committee. The goal of the OHTAS Standards is to maintain and enhance the quality and ...
AABB accreditation is available for the following activities: AABB认证可用于以下活动: Transfusion Service输血服务 A facility that performs one or more of the following activities: compatibility testing, storage, selection and issuing of blood, components, tissues and derivatives t...
Transfusion,2018,58(8):1838-1845. [24] GAMMON R, ed.Standards for blood banks and J Clin Transfus Lab Med,April.2023,Vol 25,No.2 transfusion services.32nd ed[M].Bethesda, MD: AABB, 2020. [25] CURLEY A,STANWORTH S J,WILLOUGHBY K,et al.Randomized trial of platelet-transfusion ...
to establish, recognize, and promote unified standards applicable to blood units and healthcare providers, ensuring quality and safety in all related activities. Through these stringent certifications, AABB ensures a high level and professionalism of blood and transfusion services globally.
AABB手册 2013版
TheCTSCdevelopedthis9theditionofCTStandards.TheCTSCusedanevidence-baseddecisionmakingprocess,whenpossible,tomodifyexistingrequirementsortocreatenewones. TheCTSCconsistsofachair;co-chair;fullmembersfromthecellulartherapyfield(includingcordbloodprofessionals,clinicians,medicalandlaboratoryprofessionals,medicaltechnologists,an...