UpdatedOct 3, 2023 Python xcfcode/What-I-Have-Read Star162 Paper Lists, Notes and Slides, Focus on NLP. For summarization, please refer tohttps://github.com/xcfcode/Summarization-Papers nlpnaaclnotespresentationslidesaclpresentationsconversationgangenerationsummarizationemnlpknowledge-distillationdata-augment...
总之,关于AAAI水不水这个问题,还是要理性吃瓜,中了自然皆大欢喜,reject了也要继续努力! List下载地址: https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-22/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/AAAI-22_Accepted_Paper_List_Main_Technical_Track.pdf 关于因果推断的知乎回答: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/455091033...
一觉醒来,朋友圈刷屏的不只有双十一,AAAI 2020 大会也终于放榜了:在今年多达 8800 篇提交论文中,最终录取的数量为 1591 篇,接收率 20.6%,竞争异常激烈。 明年的首个人工智能顶级会议 AAAI 2020 将于美国纽约举办,时间在 2 月 7 日-2 月 12 日,本届大会将是第 34 届 AAAI 大会。 AAAI 的英文全称是 Assoc...
Vincent Mai, Philippe Maisonneuve, Tianyu Zhang, Hadi Nekoei, Liam Paull, Antoine Lesage-Landry.AAMAS 2023. Learning to Self-Reconfigure for Freeform Modular Robots via Altruism Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.[pdf] Lei Wu, Bin Guo, Qiuyun Zhang, Zhuo Sun, Jieyi Zhang, Zhiwen Yu.AAMAS 2023...
t() # Q is K-by-B for consistency with notations from our paper B = Q.shape[1] # number of samples to assign K = Q.shape[0] # how many prototypes # make the matrix sums to 1 sum_Q = torch.sum(Q) Q /= sum_Q for it in range(sinkhorn_iterations): # normalize each row:...
https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-22/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/AAAI-22_Accepted_Paper_List_Main_Technical_Track.pdf 接下来,特意从1349篇论文中筛选出与推荐系统相关的15篇文章供大家欣赏(去年的推荐系统论文文章的比例为33/1692),提前领略学术前沿趋势与牛人的最新想法。
https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AAAI-21_Accepted-Paper-List.Main_.Technical.Track_.pdf 3、AAAI 2021昨日宣布新增9位高级会员! 详情见:https://twitter.com/RealAAAI/status/1344011757224747008 AAAI 2021将于2021年2月2日至2月9日召开,大会主席是杨强教授。本次AAAI 2021...
2516758·Nov 21, 2023 History 39 Commits .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE cfgs datasets meta models trainer utils weight .gitignore LICENSE NOTICE README.md build_dataset.py evaluator.py train.py README License NOTICE: We release the unified few-shot font generation repository (clovaai/fewshot-font-genera...
PS: 1) The results of this version codes are better than those in the paper. The original base inpainting model that RN uses is not very stable (the result variance is a bit large) and we only reported conservative results. However, we optimized the base model and improved its robustness...
clovaai/dmfont (ECCV'20) | paper clovaai/lffont (AAAI'21) | paper clovaai/mxfont (ICCV'21) | paper clovaai/fewshot-font-generation The unified few-shot font generation repository Introduction Pytorch implementation of Few-shot Font Generation with Localized Style Representations and Factorization...