We expect for AAAI-24 to be an in-person conference – one author of all accepted papers will be expected to present work in person unless there are exceptional circumstances that prevent this. AAAI-24 Conference Organizers General Chair Michael Wooldridge (University of Oxford, UK) Program Co-...
https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AICS2024/ Format: Full-length papers (min of 6 pages, up to overall 8 pages in AAAI format) Submissions are not anonymized. Please submit PDF via the easychair link above by November 30, 2023, AOE. A fastrack for AAAI main conference unloved papers h...
不知道AAAI换系统后能不能更加靠谱点:-) 25年的call4papers还没出,这里贴一下24年的topics: AAAI-24 welcomes submissions reporting research that advances artificial intelligence, broadly conceived. The conference scope includes machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, data mining, mult...
明显就是个外行。对aaai的这次的审稿非常不满,根本没用心对待投稿人,浪费我两个月时间。=== 占坑,...
Call for papers: AAAI-84: 1984 national conference on artificial intelligence August 6–10, 1984, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.doi:10.1016/0004-3702(84)90030-4NoneELSEVIERArtificial Intelligence
money spend on network transmission, which makes the conclusion less convincing.”只能说一言难尽 ...
张教授从事人工智能相关研究长达35年,是首位在 “国际人工智能杂志(Artificial Intelligence Journal)”发表论文的华人学者,还担任过 ICDM2010 、KDD2014和KDD2015的共同大会主席。 https://static.ijcai.org/2020-accepted_papers.html https://ijcai20.org/call-for-papers-fintech/...
To compare with graph kernels, the toolbox "graphkernels" and "propagation_kernels-master" have been included in software/ already, which come from the following papers: N. Shervashidze, P. Schweitzer, E. J. van Leeuwen, K. Mehlhorn, and K. M. Borgwardt. Weisfeiler-lehman graph kernels....
Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics: Comparative and evolutionary genomics Single cell genomics and proteomics Epigenetics and population genetics RNA, protein, and proteome analyses Network biology and systems biology ...