10-可靠性配置举例 11-网络管理和监控配置举例 12-OpenFlow配置举例 13-VXLAN配置举例 14-EVPN配置举例 01-AAA典型配置举例本章节下载 (1.38 MB)请您评分并反馈意见:目录 1 简介 2 配置前提 3 Telnet用户的HWTACACS认证和授权配置举例(ACS server) 3.1 组网需求 3.2 配置思路 3.3 适用产品及版本 3.4 配置...
# sysname AC # vlan batch 100 to 101 # authentication-profile name p1 mac-access-profile m1 access-domain huawei.com mac-authen force # dhcp enable # radius-server template radius_huawei radius-server shared-key cipher %^%#Oc6_BMCw#9gZ2@SMVtk!PAC6>Ou*eLW/"qLp+f#$%^%# radius-serv...
[AC-aaa]domain huawei.com[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]radius-server radius_huawei[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]authentication-scheme radius_huawei[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]quit[AC-aaa]quit 配置MAC接入模板“m1” MAC接入模板中,MAC认证用户的用户名和密码默认均为不带分隔符“-”的MAC地址。
xrdp - an open source RDP server Overview xrdp provides a graphical login to remote machines using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). xrdp accepts connections from a variety of RDP clients: FreeRDP rdesktop KRDC NeutrinoRDP Windows MSTSC (Microsoft Terminal Services Client, aka mstsc.exe) Mic...
[AC-aaa]domain huawei.com[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]radius-server radius_huawei[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]authentication-scheme radius_huawei[AC-aaa-domain-huawei.com]quit[AC-aaa]quit 配置MAC接入模板“m1” MAC接入模板中,MAC认证用户的用户名和密码默认均为不带分隔符“-”的MAC地址。
[Device] ssh server enable # 配置SSH用户登录采用AAA认证方式。 [Device] line vty 0 63 [Device-line-vty0-63] authentication-mode scheme [Device-line-vty0-63] quit # 创建RADIUS方案rad。 [Device] radius scheme rad # 配置主认证服务器的IP地址为10.1.1.1,认证端口号为1812。
B. Use Azure PowerShell with SQL Server linked service as a source C. Use Azure Data Factory UI with Blob storage linked service as a source D. Use the .NET Data Factory API with Blob storage linked service as the source Correct Answer: C ...
Traditional approaches for implementing AAA measures typically rely on Web Servers/Reverse Proxy Servers or open-source software like GeoServer, MapServer, and Mapnik. However, these approaches face limitations in supporting diverse AAA methods, which pose challenges in terms of implementation, usability,...
tacacs-server key cisco AAA伺服器NAS池配置檔案 ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u nas1-pools User Profile Information user = nas1-pools profile_id = 63 profile_cycle = 8 service=ppp { protocol=ip { set pool-def#1="pool1" ...
(2507907283): send AV protocol=lcp 00:06:32: TAC+: using previously set server from group tacacs+ 00:06:32: TAC+: Opening TCP/IP to timeout=10 00:06:32: TAC+: Opened TCP/IP handle 0x61B3B1A4 to using source 00:06:32...