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aArdft.eAr tfhteerbthisetabbisletabbeleambearemacrheeaschthesetthheerthmearml satel astdeyadsytasteta, taen, aenxteexrtnearnl afol rfcoercFe iFs iaspapplpieldiedtotothtehetatialiol fotfhteheshshocokckhhamammmeerraannddththeebbisisttaabblelebbeeaammiissccoommpprreesssseedd bbyy FF,, wwhhiicchh...
and hungry birds often get trapped in fishing lines. The evidence pointing to starvation as the cause may also better explain why the pelicans come in with injuries.
It is unquestionably the case that, at the same time the ADL was knee-deep in the Pollard stew, top ADL officials were working hand-in-glove with the Soviet bloc intelligence services on several other projects that would have devastating consequences for the United States of America. You see,...