将脱氧核糖核苷酸和荧光素、过氧化物酶、碱性磷酸酶或生物素形成的衍生物标记到DNA的3'-末端,从而可进行凋亡细胞的检测,这类方法称为脱氧核糖核苷酸末端转移酶介导的缺口末端标记法(terminal -deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated nick end labeling, TUNEL)。
2.V1 导联 P 波常呈先正而后出现深宽的负向波。将 V1 负向 P 波的时间乘以负向 P 波振幅,称为 P 波终末电势(P-wave terminal force,Ptf)。左房肥大时,PtfV1≥0.04mm·s。 二、P-R 间期: 从P 波的起点至 QRS 波群的起点,代表心房...
I'm working on a windows terminal server 2008 to access different Windows Machines over RDP, with the Remote Desktop Connection. As I make a lot of test, I wanted to automate the connection process: so I made a script. I have restricted access in the terminal server, I can only run ba...
当て板 引き上げ金具 絶縁被覆 端子 填铜粉 铜管柳接 模具固定 焊锡固定 金属夹具 夹具板 掀起式夹具 绝缘层 端子 tamped connection riveted connection moulded connection soldered connection metal top,metal clip top insert hanger clip,lifting clip insulating sleeve terminal anodic cathodic [?'n?dik] ...
An object transportation environmental security system is provided which enables an end user or a delivery person to access environmental management information of a package at low cost. An RFID tag with a built-in temperature sensor attached to a package to be delivered, a portable terminal of ...
摘要: Holcim New Zealand has carried out the official gr 年份: 2014 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 求助全文 通过文献互助平台发起求助,成功后即可免费获取论文全文。 请先登入相似文献Holcim Ste. Genevieve Opening Draws All-Star Delegation The article explores the official opening of the cement ...
A. configure terminal B. config terminal C. enter config D. setup config 查看完整题目与答案 犬,3岁,右前肢不慎踏进沸水中,全部被毛脱落,脚大,部分形成水疱,此部位愈合采取的愈合方式是 A. A一期愈合 B. B二期愈合 C. C三期愈合 D. D痂皮下愈合 E. E四期愈合 查看完整题目与答案...
PON 由光线路终端 OLT(Optical Line Terminal)、光网络单元 ONU( Optical NetworkUnit)和无源分光器 POS(Passive Optical Splitter)组成。 D. 无源光网络设备组网灵活,支持多种拓扑结构。 查看完整题目与答案 参考解析: 2.2 AI解析 重新生成 最新题目 【单选题】如果将人眼比作照相机的话,则相当于暗盒的...
This paper considers an optimal portfolio choice problem under SteinStein stochastic volatility model and dynamic VaR constraint.The investor aims to maximize the expected power utility of the terminal wealth,and the financial market con... Y Bo,Z Li,Z Yan - 《Operations Research Transactions》 被...
Therefore, in the Android mobile terminal, the birth of a variety of Android mobile phone software. In addition, the core function of mobile phone course is based on communication, contact the various applications, however, in the more and more intelligent, more and more fashionable mobile phone...