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Laboratory tests have been conducted to investigate the inelastic behaviour of aluminium alloy AA6060 T4 subjected to non-proportional cyclic loading. The results of four tests with variable strain path shapes and strain amplitudes are reported in this paper. The tests were carried out by applying ...
Alloy AA6060-T4 AA7003-T4 Si 0.427 0.090 Mg 0.314 0.470 Zn 0.020 5.672 Fe 0.127 0.126 Mn 0.006 0.113 Ti 0.011 0.029 Ni 0.004 0.004 Cr 0.006 0.004 Al Bal. Bal. After FSW, the specimens are cut perpendicular to the welding direction for the microstructural observation and the mechanical ...
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