Structural damage induced by an aircraft crashing into a reinforced concrete structure includes local damage caused by the deformable engines, and global damage caused by the entire aircraft. Local damage to the target may consist of spalling of concrete from its front face together with missile pene...
The article focuses on the Hammer, an air-to-ground missile used by France's air force and navy on the Rafale jet fighter plane. The introduction of SBU-54, a mobile target guidance system using laser sensors which is produced by the mil... C Mackenzie - 《Aviation Week & Space Technol...
单词missile,后面的-ile是个常见的形容词后缀,意思是“易于的,可以被怎么样的”。missile原本是个形容词,本意是“可以被发射的”。missile weapon的意思就是“可以被发射的武器”,中文翻译为“导弹”。missile其实就是missile weapon的简略形式。 单词mission,后面的-ion...
2.谋求绝对军事优势,执意在亚太地区推进包括中导系统在内的军力部署has been hellbent on advancing military deployment, including Mid-Range Capability missile system, in the Asia-Pacific to pursue absolute military advantages 【原文句子】 近年来,美国为谋求绝对军事...
NoteIntermediate Language is sometimes called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). MSIL is normally pronounced "missile." If you consider, for a moment, that all .NET-compliant languages are compiled into IL, and that the CLR executes IL, you realize that...
M&S is commonly employed and reuse is critically needed by many COIs such as air traffic control, automobile manufacturing, ballistic missile defense, business process reengineering, emergency response management, military training, network-centric operations and warfare, supply chain management, ...
{"w":216,"h":216} }, "Game/Bullets/RubberMissile.png": { "frame": {"x":1441,"y":1907,"w":55,"h":22}, "rotated": false, "trimmed": true, "spriteSourceSize": {"x":4,"y":25,"w":55,"h":22}, "sourceSize": {"w":72,"h":72} }, "Game/Bullets/Rubbe...
雕像,雕塑品;雕刻术(45) missile /ˈ mɪ saɪ l/ n. 导弹(45) violence /ˈ vaɪ ə lə ns/ n. 暴力,暴行;狂热,激情(45) conflict /ˈ kɒ nflɪ kt/ n.(军事)冲突,战斗;争论;矛盾,不一致 /kə nˈ flɪ kt/ vi. 冲突, 抵触(45) civil /ˈ sɪ v...
This paper presents the design and simulation of an autopilot for a nonaxisymmetric missile model to robustly track planar bank-to-turn (BTT) maneuvers while regulating sideslip. The method used to design the autopilot relies on trajectory linearization and is realized through two controller subdesig...
This research was undertaken to 1) design and construct a wall and basic subassembly of an emergency storm shelter comprised entirely of wood that could resist a "missile" (15 lb [6.8 kg], 12-ft [3.66 m] long 2x4 from FEMA 361 specifications) impact at 100 mph (161 km/h) (KEImpact...