Canonical name: PidTagReplyTemplateId Description: Contains the value of the GUID that points to a Reply template.
2.881 PidTagReadReceiptAddressType 2.882 PidTagReadReceiptEmailAddress 2.883 PidTagReadReceiptEntryId 2.884 PidTagReadReceiptName 2.885 PidTagReadReceiptRequested 2.886 PidTagReadReceiptSearchKey 2.887 PidTagReadReceiptSmtpAddress 2.888 PidTagReceiptTime 2.889 PidTagReceivedByAddressType 2.890...
Contribute to Dean/uri_nlp_ner_workshop by creating an account on DagsHub. Where people create machine learning projects.
"Return Receipt" = "Saņemšanas paziņojums"; "Choose which identity to send this message from" = "Choose which identity to send this message from"; "The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Šī zi...
badge number in toolbar items on Shell template Badges to Tab Bar Barcode rendering with in my Xamarin.Forms app BaseUrl for HtmlWebViewSource: how to use it? beep in xamarin Beginner: How to add controls dynamically to the page as a result of a user action? Behavior crashes ...
Canonical name: PidTagStateOrProvince Description: Contains the name of the mail user's state or province. Property ID:
妇科检查;阴道后穹隆可触及散在结节,无触痛,子宫后位,大小正常,子宫左后方可触及质硬包块,边界及大小欠清,三合诊检查子宫后方包块活动度差,直肠黏膜光滑,血CA1253865U/ml,CEA正常。最可能的诊断是( )。A.盆腔结核B.盆腔炎性包块C.卵巢上皮癌D.子宫内膜异位症
2.648 PidTagContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel 發行項 2019/03/20 Canonical name:PidTagContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel Description:Indicates a confidence level that the message isspam. Property ID:0x4076 Data type:PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area:Secure Messaging Properties ...
2.992 PidTagSearchFolderLastUsed 2.993 PidTagSearchFolderRecreateInfo 2.994 PidTagSearchFolderStorageType 2.995 PidTagSearchFolderTag 2.996 PidTagSearchFolderTemplateId 2.997 PidTagSearchKey 2.998 PidTagSecurityDescriptorAsXml 2.999 PidTagSelectable 2.1000 PidTagSenderAddressType 2.1001 PidTagSenderEmailAddress 2.10...