Towards Seamless Travelling in Europe – Demand and Approaches to Promote Multimodal Traveling Within Europe Seamless traveling allows individual travelers to extend their mobility radius and – by combing different modes of transport – to use travel time more efficiently. This can result in various ...
All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required, and are advised to contact their home embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop. LocationAsinara Island, 0746 Porto Torres, Sardinia, Italy...
Europe: a continent with thousands of years of history, a rich cultural heritage and some of the world's most breathtaking scenery. So much for the traveller to discover and explore and all made much easier thanks to the European Union. You can cross many borders within the EU without being...
Travelling in Europe is a dream for many people around the world. The continent boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, histories, and landscapes, making it a top destination for travelers seeking adventure, enlightenment, and relaxation. In this essay, we will explore the experiences of a group of...
If you're hiring a car abroad, ask the hire company in advance what the driving licence requirements are in the countries you’re visiting. If you're not sure, get an IDP just in case, especially if travelling outside Europe. Take a look at ourcomplete guide to renewing your driving li...
If you're hiring a car abroad, ask the hire company in advance what the driving licence requirements are in the countries you’re visiting. If you're not sure, get an IDP just in case, especially if travelling outside Europe. Take a look at our complete guide to renewing your driving ...
Tom has written, published, exhibited and lectured in Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East. Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) Associate Professor Department of Architecture The University of Hong Kong Director AASH AA Shanghai Architectural Association Visiting School, Shanghai Creative ...
2006. The concept of the event revolved around the main theme of "Bridges" and "Dialogues", drawing benefit from the city's rich history and its position as a "Gate to the West", to underline the essence of the productive interaction of culture and civilizations in Europe. The AA Greece...
Traveling in Northern Europe ---Reflections on the Study Tour of Guangya Students in Europe Day 2 行走的课堂 穿行天地之间,打开人生格局 培养自由意识,体验异国文化 跨越语言障碍,增强勇气体魄 挖掘人生潜能,磨炼坚强意志 Travelling Through the Heavens...
les marchés et décorations illuminent les villes et les commerces. Venue du Nord de l'Europe, la tradition des marchés de Noël s'est transformée en véritable phénomène. Dans l'Est de la France, Metz a misé sur un sentier des lanternes pour attirer toujours plus d...