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It can also host a number of applications such as SQL Server and Exchange Server. Microsoft Active Directory provides the services for managing and administering a domain. EULA INFORMATION: Windows Server may only be used to support teaching and research involving MSDNAA tools and technologies. It...
XMC4800 设备是基于 ARM Cortex-M4 处理器核心的微控制器 XMC4000 系列的成员之一。当今的节能嵌入式应用日趋复杂,这要求微控制器的解决方案具有以 DSP 和 FRU 功能为特点的更高性能的 CPU 核心。微控制器XMC4800系列利用了英飞凌在工业市场的数十年经验,提供了...
It can also host a number of applications such as SQL Server and Exchange Server. Microsoft Active Directory provides the services for managing and administering a domain. EULA INFORMATION: Windows Server may only be used to support teaching and research involving MSDNAA tools and technologies. It...
However, the number of antennas is limited at some existing sites and the load-bearing capacities of towers are incapable. As a result, two MM AAUs cannot be installed. The dual-band MM AAU solution can resolve these issues. This product supports C-band and another band using 200 MHz ...
1. Data Exporter: Huawei Services (Hong Kong) Co., Limited (Company registration number: 1451551), a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong and having its registered address at Room 03, 9/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, No.9 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KL, Hong Kong 2. Data Imp...