"AA" stands for Alcoholics Anonymous, a worldwide community that helps those who are trying to overcome alcohol addiction or other difficulties associated with alcohol. It’s a fellowship where members share their experiences, strengths, and hopes to remain sober and solve common issues. AA emphas...
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Coins, Medallions, and Chips While the journey to recovery can begin in an instant, we know that it lasts for a lifetime. When taking such a journey through the 12-step recovery program and then moving forward with life, carrying a memento of the process and a ...
You Are Not Alone! We Welcome You to Playa Del Carmen’s English-speaking fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. “Trudging the road of happy destiny”
Alcoholics Anonymous. (Also this URL.) The same abbreviation is used in French (for Alcooliques Anonymes -- sounds kinda cool), German (Anonyme Alkoholiker or Gemeinschaft der Anonymen Alkoholiker) and Spanish (Alcohólicos Anónimos). The Spanish adjective alcohólico is slightly unusual: since...
▶Area Websites for US & Canada Grapevine The AA Grapevine, Inc. is publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, and related items, which reflect the experienc...
she's on the verge of tears. a mustachioed man in skintight jeans stands and reads off the number for a hotline that provides up-to-the-minute meeting schedules. he assures his fellow alcoholics that some groups will still convene tomorrow despite the weather. anyone who needs an aa fix ...
she's on the verge of tears. a mustachioed man in skintight jeans stands and reads off the number for a hotline that provides up-to-the-minute meeting schedules. he assures his fellow alcoholics that some groups will still convene tomorrow despite the weather. anyone who needs an aa fix ...
AAstands for Animal Aid Suggest new definition This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. See otherdefinitions of AA Other Resources: We have 149 othermeanings of AAin our Acronym Attic ...
AAstands for Anti-Aliasing Suggest new definition This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers Science, medicine, engineering, etc. See otherdefinitions of AA ...
If you aren't sure if you are an alcoholic, findan "open" meetingto attend in your area. Many non-alcoholics may attend these and no one assumes because you are there that you are alcoholic. Barb M. says she waited for many meetings before making the decision to introduce herself as ...